Anonymous Friend pt8

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I saw him standing in front of the library.
His golden blonde hair was getting messed up because of the wind causing him to always fix it, running his hands through his hair. My legs felt weak as i walked up to him. He finally saw me. His blue eyes looking into my eyes. He did the smile he always does, where one corner of his mouth turns up.
"He- Hey Lachlan."
I said to Lachlan once I got close. Shit, he was tall compared to me.
"Hey (y/n)"
Lachlan said lightly. Lachlan came closer to me.
"Hey. So about the other day..."
I started and crossed my arms. Lachlan's blue eyes looked sadly at me. Fuck, it's going to be hard to act tough when you have Lachlan right in front of you looking like a lost puppy.
"(y/n) look... I got the wrong girl. She was wearing a blue lifeguard hoodie and I saw her first before I saw you in your red one."
Lachlan explained, looking at my red lifeguard hoodie. I raised my eyebrows.
"Okay. Also another thing. Why didn't you tell me you are Lachlan? Instead you told me your name was Curtis? What the hell is that huh? OH MY GOD! And I told you that I was obsessed with you!! Oh my god, this is now so embarrassing, I am-"
My rant got cut off because Lachlan leaned over and kissed me. His soft lips connected to mine. His warm breath up against my skin. His cologne in the air. It was the most wonderful and passionate kiss I've ever had. My knees felt weak as I leaned against Lachlan's chest. Finally, we broke apart and Lachlan pushed a strand of hair that was in my eyes, behind my ear.
"I've been waiting to do that for weeks."
Lachlan told me. I snorted.
"I've been waiting to do that for 3 years so you can't talk."
I retorted. Lachlan laughed and put his arm around me.
"Let me show you my place, yeah?"
Lachlan asked me and smirked. I rolled my eyes.
"Watch it Lachy."

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