Louis groaned. "I hate this topic." Zayn turned to him urgently, tugging on Louis' arm. "Niall and Hawry come fwom Landon, we can go to Landon and Ziam."

"I didn't come from London," Harry said apologetically. He rubbed Zayn's back. "Hey look, the song's over. Looks like something interesting is about to happen."

Zayn turned uninterestedly to look at the television. "Can we Shkype Ziam? We Shkype Liam evewy day," he said, still trying to figure out a way to communicate with his beloved friend. Especially if he was having fun...alone. Zayn gasped at the thought.

"You know what Hazza, I'm going to give you this honour," Louis said, motioning to Zayn. He kissed Harry and walked off to the kitchen. Harry smiled sheepishly at Zayn, who crossed his arms. "I'm angwy and sad. I want Ziam! Ziam is mine too, Hawry," he said distraughtly.

"We'll get him," Harry said, grimacing as Zayn wiped his nose on his sleeve and climbed back on the couch. "Can Anna get Ziam?" Zayn wondered honestly, turning to look back at the screen. If she could bring Elsa back, maybe she could bring Ziam back too. Zayn jutted his bottom lip out; there seemed to be no hope. Harry snapped him out of his thoughts by hugging him. "Oh no, there's a monster!"

Zayn watched as the snowmonster attacked the people from A Raindeerl. It wasn't scary, but it was big. Harry gaped at Zayn. "Zayn, I'm scared."

Zayn broke into a soft smile as Harry hugged him tighter; all other thoughts vanished. He patted Harry's head comfortingly. "Iss okay Hawry, I'm hewre," he said, as he'd been reassured all the times he'd had nightmares.

They decided to head out; there was a Christmas play somewhere. As he heard this, Zayn grew immensely excited and he couldn't wait to play Christmas. He jumped on the sofa with Ernest. "We going to play Chwristmas!" Zayn exclaimed. He then stopped abruptly for a minute. "How-how do we play Chwristmas, Louis?"

Louis chuckled and lifted him up in his arms. "It's a Christmas play for children. It means that they are going to tell a story and we're going to watch them act it out."

"Oh," Zayn said, his smile reappearing. "We all going?"

"No, Daisy and I are meeting our friends," Phoebe said apologetically, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Zayn smiled at her. "Okay bye."

"And I'm going out with Tommy," Lottie said as she put on her coat. Johannah looked up as she fixed Doris' denim overall. "Do you think you can make it to dinner by six? We're eating out. Try to bring Tommy too, sweetheart."

"Sure, mum," Lottie said, kissing her cheek before she left the house. Zayn kicked out with his feet excitedly. "Let's go, Louis. Hawry, you coming wight?"

Harry pocketed his phone and stood up. "Yes, I am. Let's go get ready."

"I don't wanna weaw the itchy sweatew," Zayn said warningly and Louis sent him a look. "It'll keep you warm, we've been over this before."

"I have an itchy sweater too," Harry told Zayn, and Zayn looked at him curiously. "Louis make you - make you weaw it too?"

"He does," Harry grinned. "-but it keeps me warm. And then I won't get sick."

Zayn pouted, but nodded. "Okay, I can weaw itchy sweatew."

Harry smirked at Louis who nudged him with a playful eye roll. "Yeah yeah."


They spent the day out, watched a Christmas play, ate some dinner at a restaurant and then returned home. Zayn couldn't remember the last time he'd had so much fun and he jumped around happily, holding hands with Harry. Louis was telling Harry about the ice cream tantrum, and Zayn curled his lip disapprovingly. "Because Louis and Niall was mean," he explained. "I wanted ice cweam!"

Baby "Jayn"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ