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(On a non related side note-I am two days older than Andrew Lincoln. He needs to keep that beard trimmed)

Joey and Summer's POV:

Summer walked out of the prison to where Joey sat on a picnic table where he was smoking a cigarette. "Give me one."

"Excuse me?" Joey questioned as he looked at her.

"A cigarette, give me one," Summer repeated.

Joey gave a laugh. "Yeah, not happening."

"Do you want me to punch you again?" Summer asked.

"I'm more afraid of an arrow in the ass from your Uncle then I am with you punching me. Not to mention you got an over protective stepfather. So, what happened Princess to make you want to piss off your parents?" Joey asked.

 So, what happened Princess to make you want to piss off your parents?" Joey asked

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Summer crossed her arms. "Nothing," she answered.

"Yeah, right. Summer Dixon just comes up to me and asks me for a cigarette. Yeah, I know the signs of a teenager trying to piss off there parents, it's how I started. But these are few and precious now a days and I'm not gonna waist one on someone whose trying to piss off there parents. So, aint gonna happen Princess. So why don't you take a load off and tell me what's got you so pissed off," Joey offered.

"You mean besides you callin' me Princess? Dad knocked up my mom," Summer said as she sat down. "I mean how irresponsible can they be? How can they do that to me and Carl?"

Joey looked at her. "Do that to you? You think they did this to piss you the hell off? That's a little bit selfish of you don't you think?"

Summer looked at him. "Selfish of me? I cut out Judith from her mom, Carl had to put her down. You would think that they'd think about what this would do to us."

Joey laughed. "Princess, you're pretty lucky you know that?"

"Excuse me?" Summer asked.

"You got your two uncles, you got your mom, you got a stepfather, a step brother, and a baby sister. Now you're getting a new sibling. And all you can think of is how selfish they are being?" Joey asked. "You know what I got? Nothing. Don't know if my brother and his fiancée or the kid they were expecting are alive or dead. I shot my mother and sister. My father was a scared weak son of a bitch. I'd jump at the chance if my mother got a chance to live. That's what your parents' are doing, Summer, they are living. You know I used to be jealous of you."

"Jealous?" Summer asked as she looked at him.

"Yeah, jealous. The way your mom used to look at you when she picked you up, like you were her world. The world ends, and your mom meets this good guy, and he thinks of you as his own. Believe me, they didn't plan this, Summer and they sure the hell didn't say 'what can we do to piss off our teenage daughter.' You being upset, well it's probably upsetting your mom. And even though you are pissed off right now, cause your scared, they are too. I know you don't want to make this harder on her. She's gonna need you Summer, and I know you are to good of a person not to be there for her," Joey told her.

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