[Revised/Edited] Episode 58: The Fox-Child

Start from the beginning

I pushed Mayu away. "Leave me alone! You're just being nice to me because you have a crush on big brother!"

She shook her head and smiled warmly. "I play with you because you're like the little brother I never had."

"Lies!" I covered my face and ran off toward the nearby high school which laid in the center of the isle we were on. Though, blocking my way was a tall, dark-skinned young man with brown and white hair containing red at the tips.

"Huh, who are you?" I asked. The guy seemed familiar, as if I had seen him before.

The man snickered. "Forgot about me already? I'm Tetsuya." He raised a large shield with a green sphere in the center. The shield itself reminded me of a sunset with its bright orange, red, and purple hues.

"So, where are you heading off too, kiddo?" he asked, flashing me a grin.

I looked away. "It is of no importance to you. You are only a knight."

"Hmm, is that anyway to speak to your elders?" Koukyuu asked. She was accompanied by a crowd of people.

Are they her friends?

The man stepped aside. "It's fine. To be honest, he kinda reminds me of myself, when I was little."

I lowered my head. "S...sorry," I said, coming to a stop.

He walked over to me and ruffled my orange-reddish hair. "Whatever is bothering you, keep your chin up. Don't give your enemies the pleasure of seeing you suffer."

I raised my head. "T-thanks, mister!" I said.

He chuckled. "No need to thank me."


I shook my head.

'Why did I recall such an embarrassing memory?'

I snuck a glance at Zelde. "Say, why did you call out my name?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come join us for Iah and Arima's party."

This time, it was my turn to laugh. "What? After everything I did?"

Zelde glanced down. "I don't like seeing others being left out is all." She walked on ahead. "You should know the location."

I followed after her. "I- I guess I can go."

Zelde came to a stop and glanced at the cherry blossom tree behind me. "You may join us too, Ayawamat."

Stepping out from the tree's shade was Ayawamat.

"Tsk. Like I'll like to join you," the bug user said as moths flew around him. "Go and have fun at your little 'celebration' and what not for whoever won."

Zelde sighed. "Fine. Though you really should have watched the final matches. You would've been surprised by how strong the others are. Especially Lei."

Ayawamat's blue eyes widened. He averted his gaze and walked away.

"Oi, you better be ready to leave in a few hours!" I shouted at him.

"Yeah, yeah. I've been ready for a while!" he said, waving a hand at us.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I felt the urge to launch a fireball or two at him for daring to speak to me in such a dismissive manner.

"Hey!" Lei screamed as he ran outside. "The food is ready!"

"We're coming!" Zelde yelled back. "Let's go, you two."

Ayawamat came to a stop and sighed. "I already..." His stomach grumbled, causing his face to turn pink. "Uh, maybe I'll join you for a bit..."

Lei, Zelde, and I snickered.

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