[Revised/Edited] Episode 46: Clash Between Friends

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- "Friends will clash, and bonds will unravel."


"Next up is Alto versus Arima!" Ms. Key said as if she were a sports analyst.

We jumped down from the bleachers to the center of the charred field. The two of us kept our heads down in a sign of respect. Arima was the first to raise her head.

"To be honest, I didn't think that we would face off so soon. Seeing that we were going to fight each other was really shocking," I said, looking up into her gray eyes.

If it weren't for Ulissis being unconscious earlier and everything that just happened with Zelde, then my mind would've run in circles. How could one expect me to fight my friend? But here I was. I had to do this. Going easy on Arima would be the ultimate sign of disrespect and betrayal.

My friend nodded, taking a step back and raising her arms in a boxing stance. "Yes, it was for me, too. However, that shouldn't change the outcome of this match."

I laughed as I copied her stance. "You mean my victory?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, it's your loss!" The air within the barrier pressed down on us as the density continued to increase. The area around Arima had grown the densest as silhouettes of unknown creatures started to pop in and out. "Rise of the Spirits!" The entire boat shook as several ghostly animals appeared. One of them, a deer with oddly shaped antlers, charged at me with all its might.

"Gh-" An said as he touched his head. Sweat rolled down his forehead. "Please Alto, defeat Arima!"

"Why do you say that?" Sarah questioned as they watched us from up close. A smile crossed her face. "Are you afraid of ghosts?"

An laughed and looked up at her. "Kind of."

'How the heck can this guy smile while he is talking about his fears?'

Lei shivered as I dodged a rampaging ghost deer. "I don't blame you," he said.

"You're afraid of spirits?" Adela asked, chuckling.

"Yeah! I mean, aren't you?"

"Not really. I'm a priestess, so I have ways to keep them at bay." She smiled. "Just stick by me, I'll keep them away from you."

He faced away. "No. I will overcome this fear." He glanced at me and moved his hands as if in prayer.

"Fulgur Draconis!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. The ceiling of the barrier rumbled as electricity crackled around it. The static gathered together into the form of a giant yellow dragon with large front canines like those of a gorilla. The deer flew against the barrier as lightning cracked over its ethereal body. "Yes!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, my dear friend," Arima warned, smirking as she caressed my face.

I grew pale as she stood right in front of me.

Lei jumped. "When had she gotten so close to him?"

Arima snickered, letting go of me and backing away. A ghost rabbit jumped out from the ground behind me and kicked me with all its might.

I grumbled as I hit the barrier with a thud. "Stupid rabbit!" I directed my spell to get rid of all the specters. Sparks flew in nearly every direction until there were no more ghosts in sight.

Arima closed her eyes. "Anima." The spirits gathered around her. "You can't vanquish spirits with lightning magic, at least not of that caliber." The various ghosts vanished. A tear rained down her face. "Go now, be free. Thanks for all of your hard work."

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