Episode 120: Battle of the Honor Students

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"Honor's pair please come down," Koukyuu said. The second pair of third years took their positions in opposite sides of the arena as Koukyuu fixed the scorched field.

Etsuko summoned a black and red cloak with a fur collar as she waited. She wrapped it around her body and transformed her normally brown eyes to yellow eyes.

"Just like Ren," I said to myself.

Hitoshi summoned an electric blue cloak with silver lightning bolts.

"Cool cloaks," Lei said. "Where do I get one like Hitoshi's?"

"Those are the champion cloaks," Shin'en said. "Iah and Arima will get theirs once they go up to battle."

"Must be nice," Nyima said.

"We got cloaks made for An and you," Eien said. "They were meant to be worn during your battles against Arima and Iah but I sort of forgot to give them to you."

He laughed as he summoned two cloaks. An's was purple and had eyes of various colors over it. Nyima's was sky blue with navy blue waves.

"It's better late than never," Nyima said as she happily snatched hers.

"Wish I had one..." Lei said, his eyes downturn.

"Seems that Hitoshi is going to lose," I said to draw his attention away from his thoughts.

Lei looked up.

Hitoshi had tried to hit Etsuko but Etsuko whose eyes had turned green dodged gracefully and blocked with barriers of wind. Hitoshi took off his cloak and punched her barriers with fist packed with lightning. The wind easily dispersed the electricity away.

"That Hitoshi belongs to the same branch as Kohaku doesn't he?" I asked.

"Kohaku is actually Hitoshi's twin sister," Ona said. Hitoshi is just as strong as Kohaku."

"Iah managed to defeat her easily though, ehh but she had been stabbed by Boukyaku's team mates," Hal said.

"Did Kohaku use her second transformation stage?" Renshu asked.

"No, why?"

"You're lucky. Kohaku is far stronger than Shiori when she's serious."

"You seem to know her well."

His face became paler. "I fought Kohaku last year when it was us they were targeting. We were scared. Kohaku...she nearly killed our entire freshman class by herself. Mayu wasn't the strongest. If it weren't for Hitoshi protecting us then we may not be here right now."

"Suddenly three years in boot camp for her and the others seems like too little," I said.

Hitoshi and Etsuko were moving like lightning bolts. Hitoshi was riding on top of a black horse with storm clouds as a tail."

Etsuko fortified her wind barriers as the horse shot out bolts of raw electrical energy. She tried to step back but something tugged against her feet.

"You're not going anywhere," Hitoshi said. A current of electricity strong enough to paralyze ran through whatever had grabbed her.

Etsuko winced as electricity ran through her entire body.

Kohaku is the level of this guy? Why did she go easy on us?

Seven horse tails sprouted from his lower spine as he dismounted his familiar.

Brownish flames manifested around Etsuko. "Burn." The flames went after Hitoshi as if they had a life of their own. Hitoshi would avoid them but they would keep coming at him.

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