Episode 123: Darkness

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"The world will crumble into the sea of darkness... with only one light left shining..."


"Youko," I said, looking between the various bunks.

I came to a dead-end, Youko was sitting on the corner of the girl's dorm. She hadn't gotten her lunch from the cafeteria yet.

"I brought you food. Are you feeling alright? You haven't eaten all day."

She looked up at me. "Ren..."

I placed the food in front of her. "I'll find a way to get him to forgive you." Four months had passed by since we were detained. In those four months Youko had barely eaten anything.

"I'm sorry, Nobuyuki... for what I did back at the island." She solemnly took a bite of fish.

I had never seen her so down before. In the past she used to always be physically active...ever since she tried to kill Ren she started to act like a different person.

"I forgive you," I said. I looked around. "I better leave before the girls come back and I'm found out."

She laughed a little. "You should quit sneaking around. Someone is going to beat you up one day out of fear."

I smiled at her. "Maybe one of these days I will." I vanished into the shadows. Once outside, I ran back to the boys' dorm but bumped into someone. When I looked up I saw Mayu.

"Sorry," Mayu said, offering me her free hand. In her other hand was a chocolate cookie. "You came back from seeing Yuuko didn't you?"

I nodded, grabbing her hand. I was able to blend with the shadows thanks to Lady Zettai giving me chains that restrict but not nullify my magic. Mayu was also allowed to keep some of her magic.

She looked behind her. "This place feels odd."

"Yes, the shadows around here are restless, as if they are waiting to attack at any moment."

"Could it be the Torans?" Youko said, walking out of the girls' dorm. "We are near the border."

"We should alert our drill instructors," I said.

"Hey! You three go to the magic gunner field," an older conscript said.

We ran to the gunner field. It seemed like the entire camp was there. Everyone was watching something.

"That idiot." Mayu pushed herself to the front of the crowd.

"What's going on?" Youko asked as she joined us.

I jumped and caught a glimpse of one of the drill instructors kicking Shiori.

"You think that just because you're a noble that you can do whatever you want?"

"I don't care what you outsiders have to say," Shiori said, his eyes filled with rage.

The drill instructor kicked sand into his eyes. "Damn brat. Everyone disperse."

Mayu ran up and grabbed Shiori who was bleeding from his mouth. "Why did you do this?"

Our drill instructor glared at her. "He dared to insult me."

"Why did you go this far?"

"He didn't even learn anything about respecting his superiors even after this."

"I would respect you if you were a member of Kyuu Hyaku."

Our drilling instructor lowered his head. "Even climbing up in this country didn't earn me any respect," he mumbled.

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