Q&A Omake- Nyima

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**Took me years to finally get down to writing this Q&A Omake xD. Didn't take me long to do so, though. Hope you enjoy it ;).**

Vermeil: Hello, this is Vermeil Amber! I'll be the announcer today. Hal probably would get beaten up if he were to ask Nyima stuff.

Nyima: Uh, what kind of questions am I being asked?

Vermeil: *laughs* You'll see.

Nyima: *sighs* Now I'm starting to regret doing this...

Lei: You can do it, Ny!

Iah: Yeah, don't be shy!

Nyima: *blushes* Those guys...

Vermeil: *laughs* Well, let's begin. The first question comes from Xyra. They ask, 'what were your thoughts with your first encounter with Lei when Wakiniya's icicle came at a shocking speed at you?'

Nyima: Hmm, let's see. I found him to be a bit impressive. But also lacking.

Lei: *furrows brow from the audience*

Vermeil: That was all?

Nyima: Pretty much. I didn't linger for long. Plus, I was more worried about my ID once I noticed it was missing. Didn't think that I had dropped it there.

Vermeil: I see. Well, on to the next question! This one is also from Ianna. They ask, 'Do you like Iah?"

Nyima: *blushes* W-what kind of question is that? Why would I like that flirt! He's always up in my persona space, not to mention, he's clingy!

Vermeil: Ouch.

Iah: *frowns*

Vermeil: Oh, another question from Xyra! Why did you hold a grudge against Lei for so long?

Nyima: I assume they refer to when he bumped into me? If so, it's because of the way he apologized! Like, does this guy really think I'll forgive him because he asks for it and offers me a stick of gum? A person has to show they deserve forgiveness. And the way he went about it came off as insincere.

Vermeil: I see. That's a rather harsh view, don't you think?

Nyima: *shrugs* It's how I see things. One is vulnerable to being pushed around if they forgive people without having them do some improvement first to avoid repeat mistakes.

Vermeil: I'm still not sure if that's good for you. But I digress. We got several questions from Nova. 'What do you think of Lei Lan?', 'Why did you decide to go to Nine Petals academy?', 'What is your taste in men, and does Iah fits it?', 'If you were trapped on a desert island for a week without magic and you could bring one person along, who would it be, and why?', 'Favourite food?'

Nyima: That's a lot of questions. Guess I'll begin in chronological order. Let's see, I think that Lei is a goofball. It would do well to take things other than battles more seriously. As for why I went to Nine Petal, there are no magic academies for high schoolers left in Wahkan. Given its reputation as one, if not the best, it was an easy decision. *scrunches nose* Now, what I don't get about question three is why they had to bring up Iah. But if people must know, my taste in men is one that's smart, handsome, and rich.

Vermeil: You don't care if a guy's friendly or not?

Nyima: *laughs* He would be if he's smart.

Vermeil: *chuckles* You're one scary lady, Nyima. That said, doesn't Iah fit all three?

Nyima: *blushes* L-let's move on! If I were trapped on a deserted island, well for one, I think that I might be fine on my own. It would give me some nice alone time. But, if I were to bring someone, it might have to be one of my sisters. They're pretty adorable. It would be nice to spend time with them on an island, making sand castles and splashing around in the water. Or Dad. I think he could use the break. Although, knowing him, he might just walk across the sea to get back to work.

Vermeil: Your dad sounds like a workaholic.

Nyima: Yeah. Mom tends to ask for vacation from his employer on his behalf.

Vermeil: Come to think of it, doesn't that sound a bit like Lei? *glances at Lei*

Lei: *blinks*

Nyima: *grumbles* What are you insinuating, Amber?

Vermeil: *laughs* Nothing! Oh, another question from Xyra, 'Did you ever have a crush on anyone else besides Iah? Be honest.' So, have you?

Nyima: F-first off, who says that I like Iah?!

Iah: *laughs* You don't?

Nyima: No, you're annoying! So are Lei and Yuta!

Lei: *blinks* Why mention me and Yuta?

Nyima: ...

Vermeil: *snickers* Seems you answered that question.

Nyima: *glares* Shut up and move on!

Vermeil: A question from Alternative, 'I got a question for Nyima: Would you consider yourself a tsundere?', 'Also, if you could only have one of these powers, would you rather have light powers, or darkness powers?'

Nyima: Finally, something not about my love life! Hmm, guess I can be a bit of tsundere at times.

Vermeil: At times?

Nyima: Shush, you. As for the latter question, I have light magic already and am perfectly happy with it.

Vermeil: Oh, this is an interesting one! From Shino. 'Is being so... brutal... anti-people... really that helpful?'

Nyima: Hmm, not sure why, but I get the sense that this person might have some people of her own. As I don't think I'm all that anti-people. That said, one thing I've learned is that one has to be tough to survive in this world. That means hardening oneself.

Vermeil: I have to agree with what Shino is insinuating, I don't think that's the best way to go about things.

Nyima: *sighs* I opened myself up to someone recently, and got hurt. If I'd been a little more distant, perhaps that wouldn't have happened.

Vermeil: Mean people exist, true. But you might also miss out on knowing great people.

Nyima: Maybe, but if a bag of candy has one poisoned candy, it's best to avoid the whole bag.

Vermeil: Seems you might be a bit more anti-social than even I thought?

Nyima: *looks down* You would be too if you experienced what I have. *Stands up* Anyway, I'm done with this interview.

Vermeil: Wait, there's a pair of questions left! Although they're both similar. 'Do you prefer Iah or Lei?'

Nyima: *coughs* Alright, Nyima out! *rushes off*

Vermeil: Hey! Answer at least!

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