"So I was talking to my dad today and he said he can't take Tanya's shit no more...I think I'mma take Sonny because they fights been getting nasty." Odell says to me. "Okay well let me know so I can set up that free room, that's crazy though, I thought they figured it out.." I say. "I know, I don't know why he had a kid with her, like I couldn't imagine arguing with you everyday.." Odell says. "I don't like to argue so.." I say.

"So let me tell you what happened today.." I say to Odell as I absentmindedly twirl his hair in my fingers. "Okay tell me."

"So Amir called me and her starts talking and out of no where he tells me that he needs to tell me something and I'm like okay what? And he's all like you know Brittany? And I'm like duh that's one of my best friends and he's like well me and her been talking and things getting serious.." I say. "Well what's wrong with that? At least you know who you're dealing with." Odell says.

"That's not the thing though Amir told me that he got her pregnant! Like they are having a whole child...!" I say raising my voice. "But we got two kids Lex what's your point?" Odell asks me.

"That me and you are married and everyone knew we were together but Kenzie ain't even ours so that's all null and void." I say to him. "So me and you good now?" Odell asks me. "You ask me this everyday...we getting there Odell...but I'm just upset, like you know, I thought we were happy together and you basically tell me no with what you did..I just didn't think you'd ever do that.." I say to him.

"I know it won't right but all I can blame it on is my old player ways because I was happy with you, I loved you and I couldn't see myself with anyone else but I wanted to push limits...I messed up but I just want my family back.."

"Odell you know you're the only guy for me but you have to respect the fact that I still can't look at you the same after what happened.."

When the girls are ready I notice that Kenzie skin is kind of hot to the touch. I didn't think to much of it because it wasn't to hot. However I also noticed that she was being really quiet. So I assumed she was sleepy because she's never quiet.

When we arrived at the party Tia was snapping pictures of all the kids left and right. Even Ava was in some!

Jarvis was happy with Tia, he seemed really happy to help out and the kids loved him. It was kind of weird to see him with CHRISTIAN'S children but whatever makes him happy me and Odell support.

"They should call me Cupid babe." I say to Odell. I basically had to pry Kenzie off my leg to get her to go play with the other kids because she just wanted to be laid up with me.

"So how are you guys?" Tia asks me. "I'm fine, just here, I hope Kenzie has fun because I could be in bed right now." I say. "Oh trust me Naomi forced me to go all out for her birthday.." Tia says. "I know I had to take Kenz to cali so her birthday could be celebrated with her bestie."

Jarvis comes by and starts to play with Ava and I'm not complaining because even 5 minutes of us being alone I feel so much better.."so how's this party treating you?" Tia comes by and asks us.

"Well we are not splattered with kid stuff so I think it's going well." I reply. "Jarvis stop making them faces before Ava gets ugly like you!" Odell yells. "He loves babies and kids.." Tia says.

"We know..." I reply. Me and her kind of butt heads sometimes but we can be decent with each other. "Well I just want to say thank you for coming, we appreciate it.." she adds. "It was fun..thanks for the invite." Odell replies. She walks off so me and Odell use this time to talk about both of our days.

His was way better than mine like always but it's okay. I like to just listen to him talk, it's weird but it's relaxing.

While we are talking Tia's daughter Camryn comes up to us in a rush. "Hey sweetie what's up?" I ask her. "Come quick Mackenzie just threw up!" She says. "Wait what?" I ask as I spring to my feet. "She's in the bathroom.." she says. Odell is already in a full blown sprint and I'm following behind him.

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