As they headed back to the elevator where Zayn's things were, Harry sighed and called Liam's phone another time. Just then, a phone went off in one of the rooms, freezing both boys.

"It'a probably a coinc-"

"-idence," Harry finished. He looked down at his phone and pressed end. He then called again. The ringing sound from one of the rooms disappeared before appearing seconds later.

Liam's jaw dropped and he grabbed Harry's phone, moving towards the room the phone seemed to ring from. He turned off the call again and waited a few seconds to check whether the other phone rang. It didn't.

He exchanged hopeful looks with Harry and called his phone again. They waited seconds, holding their breaths, and then the phone in the room rang again. Liam's phone.

"What's it doing in someone's room?" Harry questioned. He rapped on the door.

"Maybe they're not at home," Liam said and tried to peek trough the hole. He knocked as well.

"I'll go ask the receptionist, you inform the others," Harry said and he bolted out the hallway. Liam shot a quick text to the group and knocked a few more times as he waited. His heart was racing because this was literally their last hope. If it turned out to only be Liam's phone in there, they would have to leave without Zayn.

"Why in the world is your phone in there?" Louis questioned as he and Niall hurried over to him, hopeful looks on their faces. Liam noticed how he didn't say Zayn, and realized they weren't that hopeful.

"Don't know, but the owners aren't here," he said and nodded down the hall. "Harry went to get a card key, let's hope the receptionists will give him. Or else we'll have to wait for the owners."

Harry arrived minutes later with a short man by his side. Or maybe he looked short with the long boy. Either way the man didn't look very pleased as he pulled out a card key. "Call your phone first."

"He needs proof," Harry explained and Liam called his phone again. As expected, the phone rang from inside. Louis and Niall's face lightened and the man walked forward with the card. He swiped it and opened the door. Liam was the first to push through the door and into the room. The phone kept ringing and he hurried inside, looking around. It was empty.

The room was occupied, that much was clear by the clothes on the bed. Liam listened closely, his phone was ringing from under the bed. He got down on his knees and a wave of relief crashed into him. Zayn was curled up on the floor, mouth open, and Liam's phone blared beside him. The boy didn't even flinch and Liam frowned in worry. Harry pulled Zayn out and Louis turned off the phone.

The boys looked at the sleeping boy, and for a moment Liam was worried he wasn't even sleeping. But then his chest rose and fell and he seemed to be breathing through his mouth. Liam sighed in relief for the hundredth time.
"Zayn," Harry said gently, shaking him awake. Zayn frowned and curled tighter into himself, mouth closing. "Ney," he mumbled and buried his face in Harry's chest.

"We don't have time, let's just take him with us," Louis said and stood up. He was already changed into fresh jeans and a sweater. "Liam and Harry, you go get changed."

Harry nodded and stood up, Zayn in his arms. He gave the small boy to Louis. Liam left a quick kiss to Zayn's forehead before hurrying back to their room.


Zayn didn't wake up all the way, which was quite worrying, but Liam knew the boy had been up late last night. Thinking about the fact that he'd spent the whole night sleeping under the bed in someone else's room annoyed him. Zayn couldn't just go wherever he wanted. And how did he even end up there without anyone noticing?

"I wanna give him this big lecture, but then I look at him and I soften," Louis said, smiling down at Zayn. Liam knew what he meant. Zayn looked so innocent and little when he slept. They had changed him into pants and a sweater, pulled his jacket and beanie over him.

"Hope he doesn't freak out when he wakes up," Niall said and Preston opened the door for him.

"The place is swarming with fans, but we don't have time. Remember, right inside," Preston said quietly as the boys piled out.

The yelling enveloped them immediately. Liam smiled at a couple of girls before they were ushered backstage. Lou was there today and she greeted the boys with hugs. She looked down at Zayn and smiled. "Aww, he's grown so much."

Liam smiled at that, but when she looked at his hair, she shook her head. "You look like you were in a hurry, why is one side going to the left and one to the right?"

Liam groaned and put a hand on his head. "We've had a crazy morning, didn't have time."

Lou laughed and beckoned them to their room. "Come on, let's get you all ready in five."

They greeted Dylan Dreyer before he chuckled and ushered them to the rooms. "See you on stage, your fans have been waiting for hours. It's crazy."

Louis grinned as he placed Zayn on the couch inside. "How cool would it be if there were Zayn stans out there."

Liam shot him a funny loook as he sat down and Lou pulled up the gel and hairspray. Liam chuckled as he thought about it. "It's actually not that absurd if you think about it. Many people are Lou fans."

"Oh I've lost followers since Harry won't let me braid his hair," Lou joked, and Harry narrowed his eyes at her and pulled out a defensive move. "Don't even try. That braid itched like crazy."

The door opened slowly and a girl ran inside, her blonde hair in a ponytail.

"Harry!" she exclaimed.

"Lux!" Harry exclaimed equally dramatically back and Liam chuckled.

"We exist too!" Louis scolded, waving his arms in the air. Lux giggled and ran over to give him a hug. She spotted Zayn and gasped, pulling away. She poked the younger boy's arm. "Is he shleeping?"

"Yes and you're supposed to babysit him," Niall said, grinning at her. "Make sure he doesn't get in to trouble."

Lux grinned mischievously and Lou snorted. "She'll make sure to get him in trouble."

There was a knock on the door and the sound guy walked inside with their earplugs. "You're on in two."

Liam stood up and checked his hair. He hugged Lou. "You're a lifesaver."

"Guys," the sound guy smiled at them. "Two minutes."

"Don't worry, Zayn's safe here," Lou assured Niall since he was crouched over the sleeping boy. "Now go enjoy the posh life."

Zayn, baby, you're in for a treat when you wake up ¯\_()_/¯


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