I clean up around my office then I leave to go to Odell's place. When I get there most things are in boxes cause he started packing for when we move into our house together. I however haven't had time just yet so my things are still intact. I jog up to his room and find him asleep on the bed. I roll my eyes but I crawl in next to him. He sleepily wakes up and wraps his arms around me then falls back asleep. No surprise here he loves to sleep before flights while I like to sleep during the flight.

"Babe wake up.." I say gently shaking him. "What's up Alexis?" He asks me. "Nothing it's just I'm nervous to see where you grew up." I reply. "Well don't be baby, my mom got herself a house down there so we going be staying there" Odell says and I already knew this but whatever. "I'm just ready to go honestly." I say. "Just calm down Lex everything going be fun." He says to me. "Well wake up and get dressed!" I say because this boy is just chilling in boxers. He gets up and puts on some joggers and a hoodie and rolls his eyes at me. He comes back to the bed and I slip his phone out his hand and check the time.

"We gotta go to the airport." I say to him. "Alright the bags in the car so you ready?" He asks me. "Well duh!" I say because I don't know why but I ain't to worried I'm just trying to go!

He drives to the airport and we go through security and everything. Then we get on the plane and enjoy our ride. Nothing much happened.

When we get to Louisiana Odell's mom picked us up from the airport. "Hey beautiful." Odell's mom says as I get in the passenger seat Odell let me have and he took the back. "Hey Ms.Heather." I say. "How was your flight?" She asks us. "Alexis fell asleep she don't know ma." Odell says. "Shut up I was tired." I say as I tuck a loose stand of hair behind my ear. "Oo let me see the ring!" She says. I stick out my hand in her direction and she examines the ring and she looks proud.

"It's beautiful I'm glad my son made this decision!" She says and I don't know if it's referring to the ring or to proposing.. "well I think I got lucky with him." I say just to lighten the air. "Oh you both got lucky with each other baby, you guys are perfect I can't wait till we have grand babies well we almost had one but Odell told me what happened, I wanted to call and say I'm sorry but I thought in person would be better.." she says sweetly and although she didn't mean any harm. I'm pretty pissed at Odell I didn't want our parents to know about the pregnancy.

"I mean maybe it was for the best because you two don't need a baby, Alexis you are such a pretty girl and baby would mess up your whole lifestyle." She says and again I feel a underlying jab being tossed at me but I'm going to pretend I didn't hear anything.

"Ma change the subject." Odell says because I know he can see my face through the rear view mirror.

We drive until we get up to a beautiful but kind of country house. It's his mom's house out here in Louisiana. We get out and Odell grabs allllll the bags and I try to help him but he doesn't let me. He also wants to lead so I follow him up to a room that his mom set up for us.

I wave to Jasmine as I walk past her room in this house and Odell explained to me that they alternate from Louisiana to New York which is crazy to me. I follow Odell up to our room for the month.

He sets everything down then he sits on the bed with me but I can tell he got shit to do. "Where you bout to go?" I ask him. "I ain't going no where it's just it's late and I'm just trynna show you everything, matter of fact come on put on some comfortable shoes cause we bout to walk baby girl." He says to me. "Okay." I respond and I change into some slippers.

We walk back down stairs and Odell grabs my hand and we just start walking. He leads me to a basketball court with picnic tables next to it. This is part of a park and no one is here so he goes and sits on the table and I sit next to him.

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