Odell being the boyfriend that he is kept taking pictures of me as if I was the famous one not him. While we waited I was sitting on his lap like a little baby and even a few fans of him came up. He of course was amazing and gave them all autographs. A few people asked him if I was his girlfriend and I felt so good to watch how proud he was when he said I was.

We got to Los Angeles at around 12:15 so we went to have a quick lunch so we could get to The Ellen studio. Odell was really nervous but kept trying to play it off in front of me. I stayed in the green room waiting for him while he did his thing.

Odell Pov

Okay so I'm sitting in the little chair thing and I'm not usually nervous for interviews but this is Ellen so...I'm not sure what she's going to ask.

"So tell me about that famous catch did you plan it or something?" She asks me. "No it just happened I ain't even know I was going catch it like that then fly back I was just trying to help
my team." I say.

"But did it hurt cause I'm sure falling like that wouldn't be good for my back?" She asks which causes me to start laughing.

"But did it hurt cause I'm sure falling like that wouldn't be good for my back?" She asks which causes me to start laughing

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"I mean the padding broke my fall so it wasn't that bad." I say. "Well I hear you have a game today do you think I could come?" She asks.

"Yeah actually I got a few extra tickets because only my girlfriend coming but Trey songz who my girl bestfriends boyfriend and her bestfriend couldn't make it they are probably still home packing." I say calmly. Her eyes kind of light up when I mention Alexis.

"So I can sit with your girlfriend? I've seen here in pictures she's a very good looking girl, I also saw that interview you guys did.."

I start laughing and put my hand over my face because I know she talking bout the radio show. "Yeah what did you think of it?"

"Well it was very interesting but is she here?" She asks me. "Yeah she's in the green room." I reply.

"Oh well if I go back there after the show I won't find you guys having intercourse right?" She says playfully. "Uhm you just might.." I say. "Well I'm looking forward to it." She says playfully.

"So is her attitude as bad as her fathers because I've heard Allen Iverson is what people would call a hot head?"

"Nah nah she's cool.." I pause. "Well actually she a little demon you see them little girls that look all nice before they turn into them creepy black eyed demons well that's her.." I say playfully.

"Oh well is she nice to you?" Ellen asks. "Not really but that's my girl El..can I call you El?" She nods. "Well that's my girl man she makes me happy." I say. Why every interview gotta turn into the Alexis show...

"Well if you don't mind can we bring her out?" Ellen asks. "Yeah sure why not.." I say.

After a few minutes Alexis comes out kind of un prepared. "Sorry I didn't know I was going to be on tv." She says referring to her outfit. "Oh no you look great if I looked that good in white and sweats I would wear them everyday." Ellen says to her.

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