Triplet Debut <3

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A/N - our first triplet extra scene 🥹🥹

*they're 18 in this*



There wasn't anything I loved more on this earth than pissing off my siblings.

Well, I loved my parents that little bit more, but pissing off Nala and Abel nearly took the title.

I came to a stop in my sister's usual parking spot outside of our house, getting off my motorcycle and removing my helmet straight away; she was probably gonna try and fight me when she got home from kickboxing- oh well.

The second I put my key in the door an engine roared from behind me, the familiar grey bike pulling up beside my own and making our sister's chances of parking successfully even slimmer. I smirked to myself, folding my arms and watching Abel tug his helmet off, slinging one leg over his bike and shaking his short black dreads all over the place.

"She's gonna kill you when she gets home", I told him once he was beside me, waiting for me to carry on and open the door, "I'm surprised to see your ass before six- thought you'd be in some coffee shop drawing".

I loved my brother, I did, but his life was fucking sad: no destruction, no chaos, no fun...he just sipped on way-too-sweet frappuccinos and sketched whatever he sketched in one of his many pads of paper.

"She'll kill you first", he stepped inside ahead of me, "I'm surprised you're not sitting behind bars". He thought he was hilarious.

"Aren't you full of jokes?", I shoved his head, kicked off my shoes, and followed Abel into the kitchen where he was now hugging our mother, "Mama, Dad- the prodigy has returned".

"I'm not a prodigy", Abel scoffed, moving away and allowing me to hug her and kiss her forehead briefly.

"I'm talking about myself", I rolled my eyes, Dad doing the same straight away, "you missed me, didn't you?".

"I've been sitting at the window awaiting your arrival", he said dryly, not an ounce of truth behind it, "you're home early". He turned his attention to Abel who threw his arms up in the air, I snorted and smoothed a hand over my bleached buzz cut, watching on in amusement.

"Am I not allowed home before a certain time or what?", he asked incredulously, a deep chuckle coming from Dad, "you'd think you hate me".

He was an over exaggerator, I put it down to him being the youngest.

"We don't hate you", Mum sprung into action, Dad and I rolling our eyes simultaneously, "how could we hate any of you?".

"I can list a few reasons", Dad murmured, sipping his peppermint tea- him and Abel were obsessed with that shit, I don't know how.

"Marco", Mum said in her 'warning' tone, the warning tone I'd been on the receiving end of the most growing up.

"Aniyah", Dad said in the same tone, the pair of them just staring at each other until he broke it, "where's your sister?".

The favourite.

Not that I gave a fuck, with all the attention on Nala sometimes I could get away with all sorts of shit. Case in point, I crashed my BMW last night, but they were too busy calming my sister down after a fight- I was unharmed of course, so managed to slip through the patio doors and go to bed in blissful peace.

I'd had to pay a guy to sort out my car at midnight and walk home, but that wasn't the point here.

"Kick-boxing", I replied, "surprised you don't have her schedule on the fridge". Dad scowled at me and I grinned, if there was anyone I loved to challenge, or piss was my father. I lived for that shit, but he knew it was all out of love.

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