First Tattoo <3

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A/N - one assignment down, one to go 🫡🫡

Smth about Theo this chapter 🧎🏽‍♀️

TW - this chapter contains mentions of attempted suicide



I was on a mission.

I'd been planning to do something like this since before my eighteenth birthday, but then the whole Nico thing happened, and it was the last thing on my mind. But now, a few weeks after my nineteenth birthday, I was reviving the plan.

I was getting my first tattoo today.

Caleb had set up an appointment with Theo, because who else was better than my unofficial seventh brother to do it for me?

To be honest, I was surprised with how much Caleb was doing for this to happen, I'd told him about what I wanted done, and with our brothers gradually dropping like flies and living all over the place, we were gonna have to travel a bit to make it happen. But he'd been more than willing to drive me around, claiming that once I'd gotten my first tattoo I'd never stop.

"Draw a heart on this piece of paper", I slammed it on Zane's desk and watched Nix's lips lift in amusement while my brother looked confused, drawing a small heart- completely symmetrical- on the sheet. I scribbled a 'Z' underneath it and smiled, thanking him and going to leave his office.

"Any reason Isabella?", he asked and I shook my head, he just shrugged and turned his attention back to his boyfriend, his attention was only ever on Nix these days. I entered the kitchen and gave Cay a thumbs up, proceeding to put the paper and pen in front of Xav and watch him frown.

"Why?", he asked, "I haven't written in months".

"Draw a heart", I instructed, he picked up the pen and hovered it over the paper, "come on".

"What if I mess up?", he asked, eyes wide, "can I do it again?".

"Nope", I declined and he huffed, eyebrows pinched in concentration as he took his time, drawing a heart slower than it took Gio to move from one end of his enclosure to the other.

"Any slower would be great", Cay muttered, giving a small shake of the head.

"Fuck off", Xav waved a hand, lifting the pen and looking down with a wide smile, blushing slightly, "it's a little wonky but-,".

"It's perfect Xav, I promise", I beamed, ruffling his hair and picking up the paper.

"What's it for?", he asked and I made eye contact with Caleb, "woah- you're keeping secrets from me?".

"Oh shush", Caleb scowled, "you and Xan do that shit all the time".

"We're twins", he deadpanned, "we might as well share a brain".

"You don't have a brain to share", he snorted, "come on princesa, shit to do". I grinned and slid the pen into the pocket of my shorts, giving Xav a salute before we left the room.


"So, the beginning of the end", Caleb grinned, dropping one hand from his wheel into his lap, "how are you feeling?".

"Scared. Excited", I faced him, "how much does it hurt?".

"Depends on placement princesa", he lifted a shoulder in a short shrug, "we'll discuss that more when we get to Theo".

"I trust Theo", I said, peering out of my window, "he's been doing this for years right?".

"Uh huh", he smiled, "I'd trust Theo if he'd been doing it for five minutes- you know I was his test subject growing up? August too". I rarely heard Caleb talk about August, I knew even seven years on it still hurt, so whenever he brought him up it warmed my heart a little more, and I clung onto every story my brother had told me about his best friend.

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