Caleb & Kyra <3

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A/N - I've literally been meaning to write this for SO LONG UGH

this had me grinning then wanting to cry because they're not real 😐😐😐



"Two peach iced teas for Kyra!", I'd never heard another sentence on earth that brought me such an instant serotonin boost, I all but dived forwards and grabbed both drinks, thanking the barista before getting the fuck outta there.

The breeze was one I could only describe as mellow, not exactly warm but not enough to make me shiver either; I set off down the street- my hands turning to ice and my fingers cramping up at the temperature of the drinks...the price I paid for happiness.

It'd been the one constant throughout almost all of my pregnancy, while some craved things like pickles, weird food combinations that literally made me heave at the thought alone, I'd been blessed with a somewhat normal addiction.

I had my daughter to thank for that I suppose.

No more than four minutes down the street and my phone vibrated, making me groan and glance down at the pocket of my sweats- maybe I should stick to one drink tomorrow. I battled with a gust of wind, a tangle of my braids, and a few sips of each tea before I made it to the park, settling down on a bench and finally pulling out my phone- four missed calls.

"What?", I snapped, bringing the two straws to my mouth at once after positioning the device between my ear and shoulder.

"Good morning to you too", Laia, my best and only friend in existence scoffed down the line, "so I was thinking-,".

"Don't tell me you're getting another tattoo", I put the drinks down next to me and held the phone, leaning forwards with a frown, "Lay?".

"Would you kill me if I said I was already here?", she asked slowly, her pitch going a little higher- I swear I was the sane one in this friendship and she didn't have a baby due to come out of her next month.

"The ink is getting to your brain", I shook my head and leaned back, placing a hand on my stomach, "what about lunch?". I had my priorities straight...unlike some.

"Come here, we'll get food after", she insisted and I scrunched up my face, "don't look like that".

Damn her.

"Making an 8-month pregnant woman walk the streets?", I clicked my tongue, taking another sip, "low, even for you".

"It's a five minute walk", I could feel her eye roll from here, "you were the one preaching about keeping fit during this". I was.

"You're paying for lunch", I muttered, hanging up before she could get another word in- got me rushing around away at this time of the damn morning.


"If it isn't my favourite needle hater", feet on the desk, arms that could probably crush a fucking watermelon behind his head, ink everywhere, only one receptionist it could be.

"Lux", I leaned my elbows on the wood, letting out a long sigh, "she's still in there?".

"I don't even think they've started", he shot me a grin, I'm glad he found this amusing, I just wanted to eat, "why the long face?".

"I'm hungry, I'm tired, and I'm pregnant", I leveled him with a glare, "walk a day in my shoes".

"I'll pass", he chuckled, "you wanna keep me company, or go cuss her out?". I gave him a look that said 'really?', he laughed out loud and cocked his head down the hall.

Extras🎬Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat