Car Accident

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A/N - nothing like a late night sad scene😍



"Is it worrying that we're the only two who appreciate books?", I chuckled at what Chase said, knowing full well he loved the fact that book shopping was our thing.

"No, it's one of the only things you and I have in common", I shrugged and he frowned.

"That's not true, we-,", he stopped himself and winced, "yeah you're right".

"Plus, Zane doesn't have time to read, Scott only reads recipes, Xav would probably get impatient and skip to the last page and I think I'll die before I see Xander pick up a book", I reeled them all off and he laughed, eyes still glued on the road, "you are gripping that wheel like you're trying to kill it".

"I've said it before and I'll say it again- I hate driving", he rolled his eyes, moving one hand from the wheel to adjust his glasses, "too much going on, my hearing and sight is compromised-,".

"But not too much for you to be off the roads", I reminded him, "and this is a necessity".

"I know", he grumbled, "although the last time I got in my car willingly was when Sienna was born-,".

"That was over a year ago", I scoffed, "really?".

"I said I hate it", he shrugged, "hate is a strong word, little sister".

"Clearly", I muttered, facing him, "you're wearing your hearing aids". I watched his eyebrows pinch into a frown as he glanced at me for a split second, eyes snapping back ahead instantly.

"And that's weird because?", he asked, cocking his head slightly.

"You haven't worn them in ages, that's all", I shrugged, "any reason?".

"Killer headaches is the reason", he scoffed, "at least when they're out it sounds like I'm underwater, not like my ears are constantly ringing".

"Fair enough", I nodded, "so Sienna's screaming-,".

"Is near to zero when I don't have these in", he grinned triumphantly, "she's behaved though, one of my favourite people on the planet".

"Obviously, she barely leaves your side", I chuckled, "even more reason why I'm shocked you said yes to today".

"You think I can't make time for my little sister?", he looked offended and I laughed, "always Izzy, you know that".

He looked over at me and grinned, reaching out to ruffle my hair while I tried to dodge it and laughing still; I squirmed as he tickled me on my stomach, trying to sway him away and sit up properly.

As I did, noting my brother's attention still mainly on me, I looked ahead, realising he'd run a red light and we were definitely not meant to be in the road where we were right now.

"Chase!", I exclaimed, snapping him back to reality as his eyes widened and he grabbed the wheel with two hands- shit shit shit.

"Shit!", he yelled as the loudest fucking thud in existence filled my ears and my head jerked forwards, everything around me ceasing to exist as darkness engulfed every aspect of my being.



Fucking ow.

Ow, ow, ow.

Words couldn't even describe the pain I was in right now.

I winced, my eyes feeling like they were fucking glued shut as I tried to recall what had happened for me to feel like I'd been dragged through every ditch in existence. And then it hit me.

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