Izzy & Ezra Move Out...

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A/N - they would totally act like Izzy's dying when she moved out...



I couldn't stop crying.

And while I could blame the pregnancy hormones, even I knew that wasn't the case today.

I was moving out.

I'd lived in this house for nearly five years, and I could say with confidence that they'd been the best five of my life; but it had to come to an end at some point. I was twenty, four-months-pregnant, and ready to move into a flat with Ezra- at least I hoped I was ready.

I'd been sheltered and lived under my six brothers' protection since I was just about to turn sixteen, and the idea of fending for myself- with a child too- terrified me.

"I didn't know someone could hold this many tears", Xan grumbled, shoving my head slightly, "stop crying Bella, I don't know what to do".

It was the thought that counted I supposed.

"Oh yeah, because that'll make her stop", Xav rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around me and engulfing me in a hug, "it's not that bad Izzy, you get your own space away from us". He'd moved out last year before the birth of his twin son and daughter, Iris and Isaac, and now that I was leaving too it was due to just be Caleb left with Nix and Zane.

"I'm being stupid", I pulled apart from him and wiped my cheeks harshly, "I need to carry this last bag down and-,".

"If you think we're letting you do fucking heavy lifting, think again", Xan scowled, grabbing the suitcase before I could, "you're fucking pregnant".

"Four months pregnant", I told him, "I'm not bedbound".

"So stubborn", Xav snorted, throwing an arm around my shoulder as we headed downstairs, "accept the help".

"You sound like Zane", I mused, he just sent me a playful scowl as we reached the bottom step, "this is actually happening".

"One of the best decisions you'll make, trust me", Xan turned around after lowering my case near the front door, "I can finally have my boyfriend to myself-,".

"We don't care about what you two do behind closed doors", Xav smacked his hands over his ears and scrunched up his face, I moved over to the door as it knocked, not knowing who it could be.

Ezra was still saying goodbye to his family, and wasn't due to come over here for another half an hour or so, so it couldn't have been him. Pulling the door open I smiled instantly, my second eldest brother standing there with my two year old nephew propped on his hip.

"We couldn't let you walk out of here without saying bye", Scott grinned, lowering Kade to his feet and watching him run over to Xav before focusing on me again, "how's it feel?".

"Terrifying", I admitted, smoothing a hand over the ever growing bump on my stomach, "but it needs to happen at some point".

"You'll be fine", he chuckled, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head, "I'm sure you'll be round here every other day regardless".

"And if not, Zane will be on your doorstep daily", Xan scoffed, just as said brother came out from the kitchen, Nix's hand in his.

"That I will", he said, amusement in his eyes, "Kadence". He released Nix's hand and scooped up our nephew who looked ecstatic to see him as always. Zane was the favourite amongst all of my brothers, and I expected nothing less from my own child.

"It's gonna be weird not having you begging me for gingerbread men every day", Nix wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I smiled, beginning to well up again.

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