Estella's 1st Birthday

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A/N - the 100th Extra scene AHHHH🥹

Honestly can't believe that wow❤️❤️



"Luke, stop eating the flowers", Ezra scooped up our two year old son, propping him on his hip as he chewed on an edible petal, "I know they're edible, but damn".

"He wants to put everything he sees in his mouth", I chuckled, running my fingers through his short brown hair, "they're decorations for your sister, hm? Can't eat them all".

"Della!", he shouted, wiggling in Ezra's grip, "Della!". He still couldn't say Stella's name properly, but his version of it was just as cute.

"She's sleeping Luke, we'll wake her up soon", Ezra lowered him to the floor and watched him walk slowly towards the sofa, then jump on it, "hopefully this party tires him out and we get a good night's sleep".

"I'm counting on it", I snorted, leaning against him as he kissed the top of my head, "you think it all looks okay?". While Luca's first birthday had consisted of a safari theme, Estella's revolved entirely around the beach...and apparently Ezra and I hated ourselves because we'd put together an indoor sandpit in the living room.

What possessed us to do that?

Especially with our two year old son, now one year old daughter, and our six nephews and nieces under the age of five- we'd set ourselves up for a messy house at the expense of Stella's happiness. And we'd do it ten times over.

"Sand!", Luca toddled towards the sandpit, trying to pry the tarp off with his tiny hands, "Dada, sand!".

"No sand yet bud", Ezra shook his head, stiffening when our son began to cry, his chin trembling and lip wobbling- oh dear.

"Luca", he looked at me with watery eyes and lifted his arms up, I moved away from Ezra and scooped him into my embrace; a chuckle escaped me when he frowned and buried his face away from his father.

"Dada no sand", he snivelled, his tiny arms wrapping around my neck, I was surprised he hadn't tried to ask me if he could play yet. Just as I went to speak the cries of Estella filled the apartment, which resulted in Luca being desperate to be put down again.

"Della!", he half-ran, half-stumbled towards his sister's bedroom, Ezra chuckled and headed after him once he'd kissed me on the forehead. I must've really lost the plot if I was excited about the chaos that was about to be underway in our house, that had to be the only conclusion...


"Where's the birthday girl?", Xav grinned as he burst through the front door, Addy hot on his tail and Iris and Isaac in between them. I was about to scold him for not saying hello to him, but something else dawned on me first.

"You're the first ones here?", my jaw dropped and Addy laughed, "how?".

"You wound me", my brother pressed a hand to his chest as Zachy lifted his arms up in front of me; I didn't know it was possible for someone to look so much like their father, but Isaac looked scarily identical to Xav. More identical than Luca was to Ezra.

"How'd you get here first, hm?", I tickled Isaac's stomach while Iris headed over to the sandpit, effectively ruining her outfit instantly as she sat in it next to Luca. Ezra emerged from Stella's bedroom with the birthday girl a swimming costume and armbands.

"Sticking to the beach theme, right?", he grinned, hugging Addy before handing our daughter to her, "you guys are the first ones here? How?".

"I asked the same thing", I laughed, tickling Isaac's stomach again, "you wanna play in the sand Zachy?". He shook his head adamantly, burying his face in my shoulder with a pout.

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