Luca & Izzy <3

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A/N - I literally started writing this the second I published the last scene 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️

Luca may be my favourite 2nd gen kid...



"We're sorry to have had to call you in like this, Mrs Delgado-,", I slumped further down into the uncomfortable-ass chair in front of the principal's desk- I'd rather slam my fingers in a car door than be here right now.

"It's Reyes-Delgado", my mother corrected, folding her arms and narrowing her eyes.

"Of course- Mrs Reyes-Delgado", Principal Harding- or Principal Hard-On, as Cole called him- corrected himself and cleared his throat, "quite frankly, your son is out of control".

"Out of control my fucking ass, you should-,", Mama sent me a withering glare that had me shutting up in seconds.

"I don't appreciate my son being spoken of so lowly", she crossed one leg over the other, "I was told on the phone he'd been in a fight?".

I slipped my busted up hands into my pockets right on cue and scowled to myself, she was gonna go bat-shit crazy when she realised what had actually happened.

"Yes, but before that...", he was fucking stalling, I knew it, "have you considered having your son tested for behavioural difficulties?". I laughed- loud, slapping my knee for dramatic effect...I had to be dreaming right now.

"You've gotta be joking", I stared at him, an incredulous chuckle escaping me, "so first you call me out of control, then you question my parents' ability to raise me?".

He paled, fiddling around with the papers on his desk rapidly, they should've called Uncle Zane to pick me up instead, he would've had all of these people fired in thirty minutes.

Or even worse, Uncle Marco...but he probably would've had them killed.

"That's not what I'm doing at all Luca, I'm concerned-,", he raked a hand through his greying hair and I raised my eyebrows in impatience, I was fucking hungry.

"How about you let me be concerned about my son, and you tell me why I've been-,", the office door knocked and I tensed.

To hell with it all.

I glanced over my shoulder and clenched my fists at the sight of Cole...and Uncle Xan.

Fucking great.

"Mr Delgado, I'm so glad you could join us", Principal Harding gestured to the two chairs to my mother's left, a bit of a distance between us, "Cole".

"Principal Hard-On", I would have laughed if I wasn't pissed at the piece of shit, he received a light slap on the head from his dad before the two of them dropped into their seats.

"You fought Cole?", Mama glared at me, I clenched my jaw and stared straight ahead, knowing she'd just cuss me out at home all over again, "Luca Zane Reyes-Delgado". Cole snorted and I tried to get up, maybe smack the sense into him for a second time, but one shove to my chest from my mother had me slumping back into my chair.

"What the fuck are you two playing at?", Uncle Xan scowled, "you're both eighteen, not eight".

"And you're cousins", Mama chimed in, "is this what we're doing? Attacking family in school?". I grunted some form of reply, I don't even know what the fuck I said to be honest, just kept staring ahead.

"While I've tried to pry the reasoning of the fight out of these two, neither seems to be budging", my fists clenched in my lap and I glanced at my cousin, if he thought I was keeping shit a secret for him again after this, he could think again.

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