Valentine's Day 2024

842 44 94

A/N - FINALLY HERE a little delayed ❤️

about 1k words for each Delgado sibling and their other half 🥹

TW: themes of grief, suicidal thoughts & attempts, and homophobia
^all brief mentions



I was awoken by the smoky scent of bacon filling my nostrils, convinced that something was on fire until I peeled my eyes open and let them settle on Phoenix who was hovering above me with a tray in each hand.

He was shirtless, his brown hair down to his shoulders, grey sweatpants hugging his waist; once again reminding me that he was one of the most beautiful men I'd laid my eyes upon before.

"Happy Valentine's Day", he beamed from ear to ear as I propped myself against the headboard with a yawn, "I made us breakfast".

Fuck I loved him.

"How long have you been awake?", I asked him, taking a tray gratefully and kissing his temple once he was sitting beside me, "I love you".

"I love you", he handed me a pair of cutlery, "an hour? Not sure". I hummed, taking in the bacon, eggs, roasted tomatoes, and avocado toast on my plate; the low rumble that escaped my stomach making the pair of us laugh as we tucked in.

"Would you like to do anything in particular today?", I asked him, knowing we had the place to ourselves with Caleb having slept at Theo's, and Isabella at Ezra's last night. Phoenix paused for a moment, then shook his head before resting it on my shoulder; everything felt nothing short of perfect when I had him close to me.

"A day with the two of us relaxing sounds perfect", he replied, kissing my cheek, "unless you want to-".

"Spending time with you is my idea of perfection", I assured him, burying my fingers in his hair, "I need to change my pod". He hummed, moving his tray from his lap before lifting my own, and while I believed he was going to stay put he followed me into our en-suite, going into complete doctor mode.

"You look beautiful", he told me the second I was sitting on the counter beside the sink, I wasn't one to blush but the heat that flushed my cheeks was an unmistakable tell.

"So do you", I told him, burying my fingers into his hair and kissing him- until he pulled away anyway.

"This first", he went into the medicine cabinet after taking a step back, rummaging around until he had everything he needed. I watched in silence as he washed his hands thoroughly, then proceeded to set up a new insulin pod whilst I pulled the old one off with a wince.

"Movie marathon?", I suggested, sucking in a breath at the chill of the antibacterial wipe he cleaned my stomach with, "preferably starting with Home Alone?". He laughed, rising to his full height and kissing my forehead.

"Anything you want", he told me, the smile on his face making my chest constrict, "ready?".

"Mhm", I nodded as he stuck the new pod on my stomach and stood, tapping away on my phone for a moment.

"Needle", he warned me, the familiar brief sting making me blink, "I'm proud of you".

"I've been doing this for almost my whole life", I told him, not seeing it as that much of a big deal.

"I can still be proud of you", he lifted a shoulder, tidying everything away before cupping a hand behind my head, "breakfast?". I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day.


Laying on the sofa with Phoenix curled up half on top of me whilst Home Alone played on the tv had me on cloud nine, after the stress of raising five of my siblings and taking in the sixth after years of her not being here I still felt as if I was reeling from everything I'd been through.

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