Xander + Izzy Fight :0

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A/N - hehehe

Made Xander a whole villain in this but let's remember he can't help it👏🏾 (and they're both partially at fault)

*this takes place a little after Izzy's kidnapping*




I hated periods.

Not only were they painful as shit, but they put me in a fucking shit mood for a week, constantly pissed off by every little thing. I'd been shut away in my room for the majority of the day, and my brothers had been avoiding me like I had the plague- well apart from Xav and Zane.

The former had taken up almost all of my bed sprawled out while we watched The Princess and the Frog earlier, and Zane had brought me a chamomile tea and some cinnamon rolls that were still warm.

I nearly cried, I swear to you.

By the time it was three o'clock and I'd gotten sick of staring at the same four walls in my room, I decided to peel myself from the mattress and go downstairs, just to see what was going on. It had been quiet today, aside from the odd loud singing from Xav and the barking of Ash; I didn't even know who was home right now. I wrapped myself in a fluffy blanket and descended the stairs slowly, my hot water bottle in one hand and ready to be filled instantly.

"The beast has emerged from her cave!", Xav announced the second I entered the kitchen and I glared at him. Not today.

"Fuck off Xav", I moved to the other side of the room and Caleb choked on his glass of orange juice, "I'm not in the mood".

"Not even for another movie?", he wiggled his eyebrows, seemingly unfazed by me snapping at him, "a bowl of popcorn?".

"I want painkillers and a stomach massage", I groaned, turning on the kettle.

"Call Ezra for that shit", Caleb grumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't gonna ask you", I scowled, "where's Zane?".

"Gone for food with Nix", Caleb replied, standing up just as the door knocked, "there's Theo".

"Theo's coming?", Xav asked, "well then I'm inviting my other half?".

"He's not my other half", Caleb groaned, leaving the room and opening the door; and despite the pain in my body and my shit mood, I couldn't help but smile when I saw Theo, his smile was contagious.

"He's definitely his other half", Xav whispered to me and I managed a small smile, "you want some chocolate or anything? I feel useless Izzy".

"It's okay Xav", my smile was wider this time, I knew he was just trying to help, "unless you can take this pain away".

"Would if I could", he grinned, "please let me make you some popcorn?". He wasn't gonna let this go, I knew it.

"A small bowl", I gave in, smiling as Caleb and Theo entered the room, "hey Theo".

"Izzy", he beamed, squeezing my shoulder, "Xav".

"Theodore", Xav nodded and he rolled his eyes, "want any popcorn?".

"I'll p-pass", he declined, dropping onto the sofa on the other side of the room, "I need uh, I need sleep".

"You came here to sleep?", Caleb frowned, sitting beside him as he curled up, "what about my company?".

"Fuck do you wanna- wanna do? Sing me a- me a lullaby?", I chuckled at that and Caleb huffed, peering over when the front door flew open and the whole aura of the house shifted.

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