Marco, Milo, Eli & Zeke <3

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A/N - will this just make you more eager for Marco's book? Probs tbh

I'm on a roll😛😛 (shorter scene...)



My brothers were nothing short of insufferable.

How I'd come out so close to being normal (depending on what your definition of the word was) and they were so....that, was beyond me.

I couldn't even enjoy a peppermint tea in peace without one of them hovering around me like a fly.

Surviving the past twenty seven years and coming out with a crumb of my sanity was a miracle. Although I didn't believe in anything of the sort.

"So I'm not really feeling the blue anymore", I wondered if staring at the table without blinking would give my brother the hint that I physically could not care less about his hair, yet he continued to talk regardless, "what colour do you think I should dye it?".

The hair stylist who couldn't make up his mind on his own hair.

"You make me more and more worried every day", I muttered, placing my mug down and adjusting my cuffs, the avocado cufflinks I'd received many Christmases ago staring right back at me.

"Someone's got to", Emiliano lifted a shoulder, ruffling his fading blue hair- it was a miracle he still had hair.

"I have Ezekiel for that", I told him and he laughed, "do with your hair what your heart desires".

"But I don't know what my heart desires!", he groaned, you wouldn't think the man was twenty four, "I'm going through a crisis".

"A time when a difficult or important decision must be made", I recalled the definition with a slight cock of my head, "is it that serious?".

"Yes", he sat at the table opposite me, rolling up the sleeves of his A Nightmare on Elm Street sweater and drumming his fingers on the wooden surface, "maybe I'll just go bald and-,".

"Anything but that", I warned him, "you will resemble an egg Emiliano". His face fell and he glared at me, offence taking over his facial features in an instant.

"You think you're funny", he hissed, "really, my stomach's aching".

"Must be all of the chocolate you consume", I muttered, sipping my now lukewarm drink with a wince.

"And you're giving yourself heartburn at twenty seven by drinking that shit", he looked at my mug in distaste and I rolled my eyes, rolling up my sleeves slightly, "okay, I'm gonna make a random wheel generator".

Give me strength.

"To do what?", I dared entertain this conversation, knowing full well I was done with social interaction afterwards.

"Pick a colour", he deadpanned, typing away furiously on his phone for a few minutes while I finished my drink, dissatisfied, "okay, here". He placed his phone flat between us and I looked down at the wheel which now contained six colours- why couldn't I ever rest?

"Just spin it so I can leave", I snapped, keeping my gaze fixed on the screen as he spun the wheel, the pair of us waiting in silence as it spun for what felt like an eternity. Until it stopped.

"Purple", he hummed, seemingly pleased with the result- I couldn't care less, "cool".

"Has the crisis been averted?", I asked and he nodded, waving a hand dismissively as if I was the one inconveniencing him.

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