Xan & Izzy

809 29 39

A/N - one of my fav duos 😍

This is the 99th Extra scene to be posted WHAT



"I didn't know kids were this fucking strange", I cocked my head slightly as I watched Cole, lying on his back on our bed in nothing but a diaper and attempting to shove his foot into his mouth.

"Must've picked it up from you", Jax mused, brushing past me in the doorway with an outfit for our son in his hands, "I need you to do me a favour".

"Mhm", I hummed, folding my arms and leaning against the doorframe while I watched the two of them- my favourite people ever, "you want me to cook you something? Give you a massage?".

"I need you to...make a delivery", he replied, tickling Cole's stomach as his screeching laughter filled the room; he was one of the most energetic kids I knew, even at only ten months old, "to Izzy".

"Am I a delivery driver?", I scoffed, "what is it?".

"It's uhh...a can of that spray cheese", he didn't turn to look at me, so he didn't see the incredulous expression on my face, "I picked some up for her when we went to the store yesterday".

"Are you trying to poison my sister?", I narrowed my eyes at his back, "that shit's disgusting Jax".

"And she's been craving it", he surrendered, pulling a t-shirt over Cole's head and kissing his cheek, "don't you wanna fulfill your brotherly duties?".

Sure my little sister was eight months pregnant, but driving across town with a can of fucking spray cheese?

"Whatever", I agreed, because I'd agree to anything Jax said, "you two are okay here?".

"We'll be fine", Jax assured me, turning Cole around so he was standing on his thighs, our son giving me a toothless grin as he made grabby hands towards me. I advanced across the room with a smile, scooping him up and lifting him into the air, spinning us around twice before holding him against my chest while he laughed loudly- he did nothing but radiate serotonin.

"Be good for your dad, hm?", I kissed his forehead and handed him back to Jax, kissing him too, "I won't be long".

"The cheese is in the fridge!", he called after me and I rolled my eyes- pregnancy sounded fucking awful if it was making my sister crave this shit.

Glad it wasn't me.


Upon parking outside of Bella's place I frowned, noting Ezra's car missing. I knew for a fact he wasn't letting my sister drive anywhere at this stage in her pregnancy, so either she was home alone or there was nobody in at all.


I banged my fist on the door a good few times, clutching the cold can of cheese in my hand as I stepped back and waited.

And waited.

I hit it a few more times for good measure before giving up, going to turn around until I heard cursing from the other side of the door.

"Bella?", I called out, frowning when I heard a loud groan, "I'm breaking your fucking door". I booted the fucking thing at least six times, ignoring the pain shooting up my leg as I managed to kick the door down, not giving a shit about it as I frantically searched for my sister.

She was hunched over holding onto the wall in the living room, eyes squeezed shut, one hand on her stomach- fuck.

"I'm calling an ambulance", I put the fucking cheese down and pulled out my phone, placing a hand on her back, "the fuck's happening?".

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