Xan & Quinn <3

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A/N - this kinda turned into a Xan, Quinn & Cole but oh well🧍🏾‍♀️

*Xan and Jax are 40 in this scene 😃, Quinn 16 and Cole 18*



"If I had to give someone one piece of advice, do you know what it would be?", I turned away from the stovetop and faced Jax who was sitting at the table, a glass of orange juice in his hand.

"Enlighten me", I chuckled, spinning back around and checking on our eggs.

"Get yourself a husband who cooks you breakfast every day", he beamed and I laughed, shaking my head slightly.

"You're lucky I love you", I took the eggs off the heat and narrowed my eyes at him, "I should be getting paid for this".

"You'd refuse my money if I paid you", he scrunched up his face and I nodded with a hum.

"Precisely", I grinned, "you're my husband, you don't owe me shit".

"Apart from good sex", he said without hesitation and I laughed, abandoning my cooking and stepping towards him, looping my arms around him from behind.

"You used to blush when I'd say shit like that", I chuckled against his neck before I kissed it, he shook with a small laugh and snorted.

"You'd say it in front of people", he muttered, "maybe you're just a bad influence".

"Oh yeah?", I smirked, snaking a hand down his T-shirt, "you wanna-,". His phone ringing on the table cut me off and I groaned, he had the audacity to laugh at me as I stepped back and allowed him to answer it, going back to the food.

"Yeah that's me, okay- he's what? What do you mean missing?", I dropped my spatula and snapped my head towards him, what the fuck was Cole doing now?, "okay, I'll be there as soon as possible". He hung up and stood, grabbing his car keys from the counter.

"What's Cole done? Missing?", I made sure everything was turned off and followed him into the hallway, shoving my feet into my shoes and grabbing a T-shirt from the living room, "the fuck's going on?".

"It's not Cole", he shook his head, tossing me my own car keys, "Quinn- you drive around or something, I'm gonna go to the school".

"Where the fuck would Quinn go? Since when does he ditch school?", I frowned, following him outside and unlocking my car, "we're raising two delinquents now?".

"You need to chill, he can't have gone far", ever the voice of reason, "he's probably upset about a failed test".

"You don't think those bullies-,", I cut myself off and opened my car door while he did the same, "I'll kill someone Jax".

"No you won't", he said, "I'll call you, yeah? Try and stay calm".

We both got into our cars and he spun out of the driveway first, I followed soon after and tried to rack my brain for places where our sixteen year old son could be- try and stay calm my fucking ass.



"Chug! Chug! Chug!", I coughed, spluttering all over the place, the shitty taste of beer still sitting in my mouth as Cole pulled me into a headlock, laughing hysterically.

"God I love you man", he ruffled my hair before releasing me, I fixed my wonky glasses and looked up at him, "you feeling okay?".

"Yeah", I nodded, wiping my mouth with my sleeve, "this is what you and your friends do? Sit in a field and day drink? How did you even get these, you're underage and-,".

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