Marco & Chase

526 22 15

A/N - unlikely pair even though they're literally related 🧍🏾‍♀️

Short and (kinda) sweet 🥹🥹

Marco's 22, Chase is 16 :)



If I thought my brothers were insufferable, then my cousins were something else.

Sure we'd been raised by two variants of the same man, but I was certain they were more feral than we were- and that was saying something in comparison to Elijah and Ezekiel especially.

Mainly Elijah.

We were back to school shopping, and although everyone was a teenager now and could probably do this themselves, Zane and I had been dragged along.

Probably just for our money.

"I hate school, I'm gonna drop out like Marco", I wouldn't say I'd ever set a model example for my brothers, especially regarding education- but that didn't mean I was letting them throw their lives away.

"And do what instead?", I dared ask, looking at Zane and shaking my head slightly when I saw his smirk. At least most of his brothers were like prodigies when it came to school.

"Kill people like you", Elijah's reply made me slap him on his head- I didn't need attention drawn to me while I was in a shopping mall. Not that I was touchable, not here nor anywhere.

"You'll stay in school", I told him, "that's why we're here, no? To shop for school".

"I'd rather run away than go back to school", Xander announced to which I smirked, watching him eye his twin brother carefully, "are you okay?".

Xavier nodded, pulling the headphones from around his neck and placing them on instead; him being quiet wasn't something I was used to. It was usually Chase who was the silent one, and I couldn't say that had changed today. Especially since Caleb had scurried off with Theo elsewhere, leaving the sixteen year old with nobody in his age range.

Not calling Zane or I old of course, we were in our prime currently.

"You two need school bags, you want to get those first?", Zane asked his set of twins and they nodded, "Chase?".

"I'll uh, I need the bathroom- I'll catch up?", Zane nodded at his brother's reply and he scurried off, I kept my eyes trained on the back of him and watched as he hurried straight past the bathrooms.

I don't know whether Zane's attention mainly being on the twins had caused him not to notice Chase's strange behaviour or if he was simply having an off-day, but I had caught on to it. And while he wasn't my own brother nor was I close with the teenager, I couldn't help the twisting feeling in my gut and the overwhelming urge to follow him.

"You can watch the twins for a moment?", I placed a hand on the small of Ezekiel's back and urged him forwards slightly, "I forgot something in the car". Zane waved a hand wordlessly and I strided in the direction Chase had gone in, picking up my pace until I was out of the mall and scanning the parking lot through narrowed eyes.


It wasn't until I noticed a hunched figure over by some bushes, their blonde hair and outfit instantly making them stand out to me.

Taking strides even longer than the ones I'd been taking inside the mall I approached Chase cautiously, he was keeled over with his palms on his thighs, back to me as he gasped and struggled to breathe.

"Chase?", I alerted him of my presence, placing a hand on his back but only being shrugged off in return.

"Don't touch me", he turned, face flushed and glasses in his hand, "I'm fine". I pocketed my hands with a hum, just watching him for a moment as I thought of how to approach the situation- I wasn't good with the emotional stuff.

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