Izzy Having Luca...

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A/N - lets pretend I know everything about giving birth please 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️



"You should be resting mi amor, what are you doing here?", I smiled at the warm welcome I received as I entered my eldest brother's house, stepping inside in front of Ezra who had a hand planted on my lower back.

I was being treated like glass recently.

"It's too late for that Zane", I told him as we entered the kitchen, I was surprised to see Caleb and Xander in here, Nix too- I wasn't surprised to see him though, "I'm in labour".

I'd never seen them snap their heads towards me so fast in my life.

"You're what?", Zane rushed back over to me, "we need to take you to the hospital, why is she here Ezra?". He looked me up and down as if checking me for injury, I just smoothed a hand on my stomach with a chuckle.

"Relax Zane, I'm fine", I told him, "it's the early stage, I've been in labour for six hours". He paled as if I'd told him I was dying, he glanced back at my brothers and his husband to see if they were hearing this too.

"She's the pregnant one Z, I'm sure she knows what she's talking about", I did, in fact, not. This was my first child, first fucking everything- I was 21, and according to the stories from Rory and Addy who had already experienced birth; I was in for a pain-ridden treat.

"At least sit down princesa, you're gonna give him a heart attack", Caleb chuckled, keeping his eyes trained on me, "you feeling okay though?".

"I feel like shit, kinda", I shrugged, "and I don't wanna sit".

"And I'm the stubborn one, yeah?", Xander grumbled, turning his attention to Ezra, "on a scale of one to ten, how much are you shitting yourself man?".

"A fucking twenty", Ezra muttered, "but I'm excited as hell". I was too, the fact we were going to meet our son in a matter of hours (hopefully sooner rather than later) was making the adrenaline rush through my veins, I couldn't wait. I tried to smile, but it only faltered when I was hit with another contraction, I wouldn't wish this pain on my greatest enemy.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck", I clung onto the counter and bowed my head, feeling Ezra behind me in a split second rubbing soothing circles on my back, "shit".

"You're a fucking machine Bella, this looks like torture", Xan said and I smiled through the pain, his compliment doing nothing but warm my heart, "Zane looks like he's gonna faint more than you". I chuckled weakly, keeping my eyes firmly closed as I waited for the gradually increasing pain to vanish again, trying to focus on Ezra's hand on my back.

"I'm glad I'm not a woman", Caleb sighed in relief and I scowled, opening my eyes and looking over at him.

"Shut the fuck up Cay", I winced, attempting to stand up straight as the pain slowly dissipated, my brother surrendered and snapped his mouth shut, "can I have some water?".

All three of my brothers, as well as my brother-in-law, all made a beeline to the fridge instantly; Zane got there first in the end and grabbed me a bottle, going so far as to open it and pour some into a glass.

I needed to get pregnant more often if this was the special treatment being offered to me.

"So why did you come here? Just wondering", Caleb asked as he came over, shoving my head playfully. Out of all of my brothers, he was the only one still living at home with Zane and Nix.

"I was bored, Ezra suggested a walk, I said I'd walk around here", I shrugged, "and here we are".

"I don't see much walking", Xan mumbled and I flipped him off, "do the others know you're in labour Bella?". I shook my head and grimaced, the dull pain in my back nearly becoming enough for me to accept defeat and sit down on the sofa.

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