Rory Having Silas pt.2

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A/N - back again...

Chase and Rory make me 😐😐😐

*this one takes place nearly two months after part 1...and like a week before the 'Izzy & Chase' Extra scene*❤️



Our son was nothing but a little fighter.

It'd been nothing short of a tough journey this past month, and I knew we still had a long way to go, but Silas was a thriver; constantly making us prouder every single day.

It was September 22nd, exactly seven weeks since Silas had been born, and he was finally home- had been for the past three days.

We'd been informed that it was likely we wouldn't be able to take him home until around his actual due date, which was two weeks into October, but due to his progress in hospital and the fact he was now doing everything on his own, his arrival home had come a few weeks early.

Rory and I were nothing but ecstatic that he was home, and Sienna had taken her role of big sister in her stride from the second we walked through the door. Silas was a crier, his tiny pair of lungs producing sounds loud enough to give me ear-splitting headaches most of the time, meaning I was spending the majority of the day with my hearing aids out.

Night time was quieter, for him anyway, Rory and I were on high alert the entire time; alternating sleep and making sure he was okay, making sure he was breathing. After watching him be so dependent on machines to do such simple things for him for weeks, it was terrifying to think we were now fending for ourselves.

My siblings were yet to properly meet Silas, they'd seen him on facetime, or glances through the incubator, but they hadn't gotten to bond with him yet, to hold him. So we'd invited the hooligans over today, to finally meet their nephew.

"Zane will be here first", Rory smiled, gently rocking a sleeping Silas in her arms, "I'm surprised he and Nix didn't camp outside last night". I snorted, knowing full well she was right; my eldest brother complained about babysitting but loved his nieces and nephews more than anything.

Okay, maybe not as much as Nix.

"Maybe they did, just down the road", I teased, checking the monitor in my hand, "she's still knocked out".

It was a tiring job, being a big sister, apparently.

"We're gonna have to wake her up, she won't sleep tonight", she took the monitor from me in one hand and gestured for me to take Silas, I scooped him up and rested him on my shoulder carefully; still apprehensive that the simplest touch could hurt him. He began to stir, small cries coming from him as I shushed him gently, beginning to bounce the two of us ever so slightly.

"If she doesn't sleep, that'll make the three of us", I smiled weakly and she did the same, placing the monitor on the sofa and squeezing my arm before heading upstairs, "alright Tiny, you're meeting your crazy family today". He only cried in response, making me chuckle as I rubbed his back slowly, trying to refrain a wince at the sound going directly into my right ear.

"Okay, okay, they're not that crazy, I promise", I continued to bounce him and pat his back, maybe he was just hungry, "you've got a long line of people who can't wait to meet you Si". He didn't seem all too enthusiastic, if his increasing cries were anything to go off of. When Sienna was born, she was the complete opposite- we thought something was wrong because she barely cried, now we thought something was wrong with Silas because he cried too much.

"Oh you poor thing", Rory returned five minutes later, and after more bouncing, rocking, shushing, and a rejected pacifier, Silas was still screaming, "both of you". She took him from me and I tried not to sigh in relief, removing my hearing aids and placing them on the coffee table; only then did I turn my attention to Sienna who was yawning in the doorway, her crocodile onesie on with the hood up.

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