Luca's 1st Birthday

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A/N - been meaning to write this for ages...



"You guys do realise he's one right? He doesn't even know what life is yet", trust Xander to be the pessimist while putting up birthday decorations; I watched Ezra scowl at him and throw a balloon in his direction. 

"And?", he lifted his shoulders in a nonchalant shrug, "you want us to sit in a dark room and celebrate instead?".

"He'd probably love that", Xan muttered, causing both Jax and I to roll our eyes from over on the sofa. As much as I wanted to join in with the decorating for our son's first birthday today, I'd been deemed sofa-bound because I was seven months pregnant. I swear they all thought I was immobile or something.

"You okay Izzy? You're quiet", Jax leaned over to me and I nodded twice, fiddling with my hair, "that's a no".

"I'm just thinking about Rory and Chase", I admitted, "we're all about to have a party while they still have to look at their baby in an incubator, not knowing if he's okay-,".

"Hey", Jax reached over and squeezed my shoulder while I wiped my eyes- I blame the pregnancy hormones.

"Darlin'?", Ezra was across the room in a split second, "what's wrong?". And now that he was aware I was upset, Xan had stopped what he was doing and stood beside him, all three of them watching me in concern.

"Don't you feel guilty that Silas is still in hospital and we're all just celebrating like nothing's happening?", I wiped my eyes again, knowing I'd done absolutely nothing for my twenty-second birthday out of guilt because Silas was still so fragile in hospital.

"Of course we feel guilty Bella", Xan sighed, "but Silas is doing well, way better than he was last month- he'll be home soon".

"I know", I nodded, "and I know today's for Luke, and that I'm being stupid-,".

"Who said you're being stupid?", Ezra frowned, kissing the crown of my head, "you're just voicing what we're all thinking darlin'".

"And I'm sure we'll be throwing a party when Silas comes home", Jax chuckled, "I mean, look at it in here, you guys go all out". He wasn't wrong. And for a one year old who, like Xan said, barely knew what was going on, it may have been a little overboard.

But Ezra and I didn't care.

"I can't believe there's fucking fake grass in your kitchen", my brother shook his head- there was fake grass everywhere. Luca was interested in just about anything colourful, anything that moved, made a noise- and because we couldn't exactly ask him what theme he wanted...we'd used our initiative instead.

And turned our apartment into a safari.

"He loves animals, you know this", Ezra chuckled, "you're the one who took him to the zoo for the first time".

"Yeah, and his favourite animal was the fucking hippo", Xan scoffed, "he cried whenever we moved away from it".

"What time is Zane and Nix bringing him over?", Jax asked, rising to his feet and looping an arm around Xander's waist, "I'm surprised Cole's still asleep". Their nine-month-old son was completely knocked out in Luca's bedroom, and the birthday boy himself was out with his favourite uncles probably having the time of his life.

"They'll be here in the next hour, Scott's bringing the cake, you guys need to keep decorating", I instructed, rubbing a hand on my stomach slowly; Xan and Jax got to it straight away, Ezra stayed back and watched me for a moment.

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