Zane & Nix Have Kids pt.2

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A/N - getting attached to these kids who don't even exist😍😍



"We're like moths to a flame", I sipped my black coffee and looked at my son in the passenger seat, "I'd say you passed this addiction down to me, but that can't be factually correct, cuz, y'know-,".

"I got it straight away", I told him, watching him nod and lean back, sipping on his own iced coffee and push his glasses up his nose, "at least I have one child who drinks coffee".

"You said Avery and Oren are too young", he pointed out to which I nodded, knowing my son and daughter were only nine and eleven, they had a few more years before I let them join the bandwagon. Ari preferred milkshakes, something that was frowned upon by me.

Not in a malicious way, of course.

"I'm picking up Luca?", I asked Killian, he nodded from beside me as I placed my drink in the cup holder and started the engine, "remind me what it is the pair of you are doing?".

"Studying", he said as if it were obvious, I couldn't help but snort, "what's funny?".

"I've never seen you study in my life", I muttered, an over dramatic gasp escaping him as he adjusted his thick-framed glasses, "don't act like it's not the truth".

"Jeez, tell me how you really feel", he sighed, "we really are studying, apparently Aunt Izzy's been on Luke's case this week".

"And we've been on yours for years", I reminded him, he just shrugged and sipped his drink, he couldn't give less of a shit about his education (unless it was to do with art); he was just like a mixture of Caleb, Alexander and Xavier growing up.

"At least it shows that you care", he flashed me a grin, I just rolled my eyes and stopped at a red light, "you know how I said I don't wanna drive?".

"Repeatedly", I nodded, "you've changed your mind?".

"Nope", he shook his head, then his lips stretched into a smile, "but, I do have another request".

"It's a bike, isn't it?", I didn't even have time to glare at him because the lights went green, "Kill-,".

"Hear me out Dad", he cut me off before I could even express my opinion, "a bike is adrenaline inducing, I'm adrenaline seeking".

"I'm well aware of what you are", I ran a hand down my face and sighed, knowing he was going to try everything in his power to persuade Phoenix and I- he never gave up, "I just don't think it's the safest method of transport".

"That coffee isn't good for your health", he jabbed a finger at my drink, "this car is probably just as dangerous- Papa can literally ride a motorcycle". And the thought alone of that terrified me, no matter how good my husband looked riding one.

He looked better riding me anyway.

"We'll talk about it", I dismissed the topic for now, knowing if he kept going I'd probably cave and say yes within the next few minutes, then regret it a moment later.

He was persistent as hell.



I watched Oren's fingers dance up and down the piano keys with more ease than anything I'd ever seen in my life, how he was this talented at nine years old, I'd never know.

He may have been more closed off than his brother and sisters, didn't talk much, and was more likely to stay glued to Zane's or my side when we left the house, I think he expressed himself just as loudly as everyone else through music.

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