Ezra's Kidnapping...

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A/N - and here we go....

TW for the whole chapter 💔



My skin was fucking crawling.

The sensation of a million needles, or a million fucking ants scurrying all over me was fucking crippling, and had me backed into a corner as of now.

Not figuratively, I meant literally.

"Ez, you need to calm down", telling me to calm down when I felt like this was like the equivalent of telling a dead person to wake up, "focus on me and breathe". I couldn't fucking breathe, not when he was so close to me.

"Move away from him Maceo, he's sick", it was times like this where I could say with confidence that I despised my father; he'd much rather just say I was sick, that it was all in my head, than make any attempt to just help me, "get Aleja away, she doesn't need to see this".

My gaze snapped away from my father and to my ten year old sister, and I felt my chin tremble at the fear in her eyes; I hated when she saw me like this.

"Ezra", Eli's voice shook me out of it, and my eyes met his blue ones, "chill, Maceo and me are right here, drop your hands". My hands. I didn't even realise I'd been clawing at my arms until the burn finally registered, my eyes widening slightly.

"All of you get away from me!", I probably looked like I'd lost it now, but the crawling around my body, the tightness of my chest and throat, was overruling everything else right now. I was backed into the corner outside the kitchen, all of my family's eyes on me as I slipped further and further away from my sanity.

"He's sick, he needs to be restrained or-,", no.

"Don't you dare", Maceo hissed, standing with his back to me and acting as a barrier between the two of us, "if you're not gonna help him, leave- Mama, take Ale upstairs". She did as he said, and after a moment our father followed too, leaving me with my two brothers.

"I've called Izzy", Eli told me, making my eyes widen, "don't look like that, you need her right now". As much as he was right, I didn't want my girlfriend to see me like this- it was embarrassing, and I fucking hated it.

"She can't- I'm not-,", I shook my head, beginning to claw at my arms consciously this time, "I can't breathe".

"Ez, keep your hands still", Eli eyed me carefully, well my arms more specifically, "focus on us". I did focus on them, even went so far as to keep my hands still - for all of two minutes. My father's footsteps thundered down the stairs again, as if he couldn't help but fucking torment me.

"I dare you to come near me!", I cowered backwards, hating that I appeared so weak in front of him, "don't fucking touch me".

"You dare to speak to me that way?", he snarled, as if I wasn't stuck in the corner fucking panicking right now, "we thought you would have grown out of this by now, it's embarrassing".

"Just fuck off Dad!", Eli yelled, "it's because of you not keeping an eye on him that anything happened in the fucking first place!". Unwanted memories filled my mind and I stilled, feeling the hands all over my body, the hands in my hair, the chill of my surroundings; I was back there.

"Hey, hey, don't let yourself go there", Maceo's voice was in my earshot, but it still felt like he was far away, "I'm sorry, okay?".

I didn't know what he was apologising for, until his hand cupped my chin and he squeezed slightly, dragging me back to reality and making me flinch.

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