Izzy's Life in London pt.1

896 38 16

A/N - I am recovered!!❤️

TW - upsetting themes throughout

Another scene from when they're all babies 🥹




I was awoken by the sound of screaming, the higher pitch of said noise only indicating to me that it was coming from my sister's bedroom.

I'd never moved faster in my life.

Not caring that I wasn't wearing a shirt I yanked my bedroom door open, only to find Isabella's already ajar at the bottom of the hall.

"Zane!", the panicked voice that I quickly realised as Alexander's filled my ears as I entered our sister's room, of course he'd gotten there the quickest with their doors right next to each other. I could hear footsteps of everyone else behind me but ignored them, only focusing on the thrashing figure of my sister's body; my heart clenched at the nightmare she was enduring and yet to wake up from.

"What's happening to her?", I heard Xavier ask from over my shoulder, "Scott, she's-".

"She'll be okay, it's a nightmare", our brother tried to assure him as I sat beside my sister, hesitantly running my fingers through her hair while tears cascaded down her cheeks.

"I tried to shake her awake-", Alexander informed me to which I winced, knowing that probably wasn't the best way to go about it.

"Shake her?", Caleb scoffed, "are you trying to make it worse?".

"I- she-", it was rare to hear my youngest brother stunned into silence, yet here we were, "I was trying to wake her up".

"You could've sent her into shock or-", a slap filled the room yet my focus remained on Isabella who had stopped screaming, yet was still writhing around while I tried to comfort her.

"Shut up Cub, he was trying to help", Chase muttered at the same time Alexander fled from the room, a sigh escaping me at the echoing slam of his bedroom door, "see? Now he's probably gonna tear his room to shreds".

I fucking hoped not.

"Let's just let Zane focus on Izzy", Prescott chimed in, I was still hushing our sister gently as her movements slowed, her whimpers died down, and she began to gravitate towards my lap, "come on".

"I'm not leaving", Caleb insisted, and even though I couldn't see him I could picture his fists clenched and head shaking.

"Xav? Breathe, she's gonna be fine", Chase's voice however did have me turning around, just to make sure that Xavier was okay. The seventeen year old had his eyes fixated on our sister, his hands flexing at his sides while he shifted from side to side repeatedly.

"She looks so scared", he murmured, wincing slightly, "what's happened to her?". While I didn't know the extent and details of our sister's time in London, it didn't take much to assume that some of it hadn't been pleasant. Especially if our mother had been sick.

"Zane", my head snapped back down as I continued to tame Isabella's hair delicately, as if the smallest of touches might harm her, "Zane".

"Right here mi amor", I assured her, holding her against me protectively, "everyone out".

"No, I'm not-,", my jaw tightened at Caleb's protests, I needed to focus on Isabella right now.

"Caleb, vamos", Prescott gritted out, footsteps leaving the room a moment later. Isabella's eyes peeled open once the door had closed, exhaustion written all over her face.

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