Ezra & Izzy Meeting (Ezra's POV)

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A/N - writing this was the fattest throwback ever omg 😩



"Can you hurry up in there, the fuck are you doing?", a fist pounded against the bathroom door for the fifth time and I rolled my eyes, staring at myself in the mirror.

First day of Junior Year.

Code for the first day of fucking hell.

I could've easily stayed in bed today, come up with something from my list of excuses as to why I couldn't make an appearance...but I'd promised Gray I'd give him a lift and show up. And as much as I hated school most of the time, he- along with our friends, made it bearable.

"Ezra I swear to god!", Eli's voice made me groan as I pushed off of the sink and opened the door, "you're literally dressed, the fuck were you doing?". He was shirtless, wrapped in a towel with his hair looking like some tangled furball; I'd never met a thirteen year old with a fouler mouth than him.

"I was admiring myself", more like trying to psych myself up, he just rolled his eyes at my grin and shoulder barged me, slamming the bathroom door in my face. The sudden contact made me tense, as much as I made it look like shit like that didn't effect me on the outside, it felt like my skin was fucking crawling- I needed to get outta here.

See? All it took was some unwanted physical contact and I actually wanted to leave.

"Ezra look! Star shaped toast!", Aleja, as always, was as energetic now as she was before she went to bed; I pressed a quick kiss on her forehead and rounded the table, hugging my mum and dad as briefly as possible.

Coming from a family who were pretty physically affectionate and hating physical contact was a fucking curse.

I grabbed my car keys from the ceramic dish near the sink and clasped my hand around them, feeling my older brother's disapproving gaze burning into me.

"You're not eating?", I felt too sick to eat, "not even a banana or some shit?".

"Maceo", Mama warned him and he surrendered, "he's right though hijo, eat something". I fought the urge to groan out loud and grabbed a banana, holding it in one hand with the keys and hugging them again with the unoccupied arm.

"I'm going, gotta pick up the others", I announced to them all and nobody protested, "have a good day everyone".

"You too hijo, come home if you're uncomfortable hm?", and that was why I loved my mother.

"Mirana, leave him, he needs to grow out of it", and that was why I had an...interesting relationship with my father. I just made eye contact with Maceo and he shook his head as if to say 'ignore him'; I managed a small smile before I shoved my shoes on and grabbed a black beanie last minute. Deciding to completely buzz cut my hair right before winter wasn't the smartest of decisions, but it looked cool as shit so I didn't give a damn.


"My favourite driver", Gray pretty much jumped into my passenger seat and went to slap my shoulder but paused halfway, "what kinda day is it?".

"A shit one", I muttered and he dropped his hand back into his lap, peering over his shoulder as Amelia climbed into the backseat, "Lia".

"Ezra", she grinned, buckling her belt and pulling out her phone, "excited for today?".

"Somethin' like that", I muttered and Gray snorted, "I need sleep".

"Tell me about it", she sighed, "Theo and Gray snore".

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