Zane, Nix & Kade <3

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A/N - my first ever Kade scene omg...more to come❤️❤️



I was excruciatingly close to starting my own babysitting business.

I felt like a grandfather living out his years of retirement and spending time with his grandchildren, not an uncle who was trying to live his best life with his husband.

But even I couldn't get mad the second a niece or nephew turned up on my doorstep.

"You love it really", Phoenix snaked his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder while I stared at the closed front door, waiting, "plus it's Kade, you have a soft spot for him". He wasn't wrong I suppose; the fact that my five year old nephew was my first nephew did give him some brownie points in my books.

"Were we not babysitting Iris and Isaac yesterday?", I said, thinking back to the three year old terrors we had running rampage in here less than twenty four hours ago.

Another reason why Kadence was superior, he was an only child. The only only child.

"Like I said, you love it really", my husband chuckled, kissing my neck, "I know I do".

"For someone who claimed to hate kids when we first met, you sure love babysitting", I craned my neck to try and look at him, he just laughed and shook his head.

"Because they're not my kids- we give them back at the end of the day", he shrugged, "we should go on holiday".

I deserved a holiday.

"We'll book one tonight", I promised, going to turn around and kiss him just as the door knocked, "cockblockers". Phoenix laughed, untangling himself from me as we headed over to it, I pulled it open and raised my eyebrows at the sight in front of us.

Prescott looked normal: tired, barely functioning, normal for him...and Kadence?

He was dressed as a superhero.

I wasn't sure which superhero; the pink eye mask, navy blue cape and all-white outfit were throwing me off slightly.

"Prescott and...I don't see Kadence anywhere", I made a point of looking around, checking behind the door, peering over my brother's shoulder, the giggles of the five year old filling my ears, "are you sure you brought him?".

"I'm sure", Prescott agreed, amused as he glanced down at his son, "maybe I left him in the car-,".

"I'm here Uncle Zay!", he announced, tugging on the bottom of my T-shirt and pulling off his eye mask, "I'm super-Kade!". I take back everything bad I said about babysitting.

"So we're looking after a real superhero today?", Phoenix gasped, crouching slightly as Kadence jumped into his arms, clinging onto his neck.

"I'm not a real superhero Uncle Nix, it's pretend", he whisper-yelled and I chuckled, "are you going now Daddy?". I'd never known a child to say so much.

"I know where I'm not wanted", my brother faked offence, pressing a kiss to his son's forehead, "I'll see you tomorrow?".

"Uh huh", he nodded eagerly, "do you wanna see my powers Uncle Nix?".

"Absolutely", he agreed, lowering him to the floor and watching him run into the living room, "did you give him an energy drink or something?".

"He's been that energetic since I woke up this morning", Prescott sighed, handing me a small bag, "call if you need anything yeah?". I nodded, giving him a pat on the shoulder before he left the house; let the babysitting commence...

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