Trip to the Beach

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A/N - 5k reads on this book ✌🏾

This is potentially the last thing I post till Tuesday I have assignments 💔💔 might squeeze one more scene in tho🫶🏾



I was well and truly fucking bored.

We'd had a chilled past few days, but it could only last so long before I wanted to get out and do something. And what better a way to get my brothers' attention than by making them think I was being murdered?

I looked at Gio and whispered a small apology to him before letting out an ear-piercing scream, letting it go on for at least five seconds before sitting back and waiting for the show to unfold.

The door opened in the blink of an eye, the damn thing nearly falling off its hinges due to the force it'd been shoved with; Zane was the first to enter, gun in one hand and concern written all over his face. Caleb too had a gun, and the twins both rushed in shirtless, panicked expressions on their identical faces.

"Are you hurt?", Zane cupped my chin and checked me over at least three times in a few seconds, "mi amor?". The gun was still in his hand while Caleb checked the perimeter of my bedroom, going so far as to look behind my curtains- I couldn't contain my laughter then.

I watched Zane's worried expression morph into one of annoyance, he dropped the weapon on my bed as Xav held a hand on his chest and sighed in relief.

"Why are you like this?", Xander asked, frustratedly running a hand through his hair, "you need help".

"I called you in here cuz I'm bored", I told them all and Zane narrowed his eyes at me.

"You couldn't have informed us without sending us into shock?", he raised an eyebrow and I shrugged sheepishly.

"It seemed like a more...effective method", I defended myself and he closed his eyes with a sigh, "can we do something?". They all just watched me incredulously for a moment, until Xav- as always- broke the silence.

"I vote for the beach", he raised a hand and I gasped- someone with sense.

"Yes, yes, yes", I got up, grabbing the sunglasses from my bedside table, "can we Zane?".

"You're a fascinating person Isabella", he commented and I frowned slightly.

"I'll take that as a compliment", I said slowly, looking at Cay and Xander, "are you guys in?".

"Do that again and I'll burn your books", Xan jabbed a finger in my direction and I scoffed, empty threats, "if I can drive".

"Why can't I drive?", Zane asked, turning to face our brother.

"You sit in silence, Cay listens to instrumentals more than actual music, he plays with the map the whole time- and nobody wants to be driven by Bella, face it", well then.

"And you think I belong in the passenger seat?", Zane said, offence in his tone while Xav stepped across my room, tapping the glass of Gio's enclosure.

"Drive your own car then, see if I give a shit", he snapped before exhaling through his nose harshly, "sorry".

"Don't apologise", he waved a hand, "one slight issue".

"We're not cancelling", I shook my head and Xav nodded in agreement.

"Prescott was meant to bring Kadence here in an hour", he ignored me and I gasped.

"We're bringing Kade", I announced, "has he even been to the beach before?".

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