Xav & Addy <3

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A/N - very short but this came to me randomly literally an hour ago...

Don't think I've written a scene of these 2 apart from their wedding🥹🥹



This was the weirdest day of my life.

It was my twenty second birthday, and the first one I was spending without my twin brother.

Believe it or not, I'd gotten down on my knees and begged Xan to stay in the country for our birthday, but he'd booked him and Jax a trip to Cyprus regardless.

So I'd had to settle on a facetime call from the two of them instead of us sharing a cake or any of the traditions we were used to. I had to accept that we were growing up, but it still felt weird.

"Dada!", I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on Iris who was sitting in her chair in front of me, the rubber spoon in my hand reminding me I was feeding her yogurt.

"Sorry sweetheart", I beamed at her, glancing over at Isaac who was in their playpen that I'd moved to the kitchen floor for the time being. He hadn't had any interest in a snack, so I didn't see the need to confine him to a chair.

"Okay, I promise I'll be no more than an hour", Addy sauntered into the room in a t-shirt and shorts, "just a quick errand to run".

"We'll be waiting", I grinned when she turned my head and kissed me, "say bye to Mama". Iris waved, sorta, and Zachy just watched his mother with a gummy smile from his seated position on the floor.

"Happy birthday", she told me for what had to be the tenth time today, and it was barely one o'clock yet, "if you need anything, call me yeah?".

I knew what that translated to- if you get overwhelmed, call me.

I knew Addy only meant well and I loved her for it, but I hated feeling like I couldn't be alone with my own children in case they made too much noise. That was what babies fucking did.

"See you later", I winked at her, she kissed me one last time before grabbing her car keys and leaving the house, "okay, what are we gonna do first?".


Painting with two 11 month old babies probably wasn't the wisest of ideas, but if it kept them entertained and happy, then so be it.

Plus, I found it equally as exciting, so who could really complain?

We were outside on the patio, a large towel placed down as they finger painted- if you could even call it that. Iris was rubbing her multi-coloured hands all over the paper, and Isaac kept trying to put his fingers in his mouth, I was having to stop him every few seconds at this point.

"This is red", I handed Isaac the closed tube of paint and he tried to eat it immediately, "can you say red Zachy?".

He stared at me like I was some kind of alien and I couldn't help but laugh; I still struggled to believe I'd played a part in creating two beautiful children, and that they were here, staring at me with wide blue eyes and an expectancy for me to teach them everything there was to know about the world.

"Dada!", Iris beamed, clapping her paint coloured hands together before smacking them on her piece of paper.

These were being framed and hung up as soon as they dried.

"And this is green", I showed the two of them the tube and they watched me, "the same colour as Uncle Zane's eyes".

"Day!", Iris shouted, her best attempt at her uncle's name, while her brother stayed silent, crawling towards my lap slowly.

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