Xav & Addy's Wedding

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A/N - listen to Make You Feel My Love by Adele for added effect 😛😛

(I've had it on loop for over an hour writing this LMAO)

This may be one of my fav things ever Xav has my heart ❤️



I dreamt about the day I walked down the aisle since I was at least four years old.

A beautiful white dress like the ones you see in movies, my arm latched around my father's, the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with right in front of me; I'd pictured it to be perfect.

And while some circumstances had changed since I was four, I still knew that this was gonna be one of the best days of my life.

I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed, this was it. My brown hair was flowing down my back in loose curls, the movie-like dress hugging me perfectly and melting into a pool of fabric at my feet.

"I'd divorce Ezra for you", Izzy, my soon-to-be sister in law and maid of honour gushed, standing beside me in the mirror and grinning, "how are you feeling?".

"Sick. Excited. Where are the kids?", Iris and Isaac had a knack for bickering in the worst possible situations, and I wouldn't put it past them to start it on Xav and I's big day.

"On their best behaviour with Uncle Zane", Izzy rolled her eyes at the mention of the favourite uncle, "all you need to focus on is you".

"I can't believe I'm marrying him", I breathed out, taking in my dress again, "I mean, I can- I wouldn't want it to be anyone else, but the fact that the day's finally here? It doesn't feel real Izzy".

"I felt the same with Ezra", she smiled knowingly, "you've carried two children for him, he fucking adores you, you adore him, you two are made for each other". She was right; I wouldn't want this with anyone but Xav.

"Only me!", the door swung open and we both jumped, relaxing when Rory entered the room in a beautiful light blue bridesmaid dress, "you look so beautiful Addy, wow".

"It all looks okay?", I double checked, smoothing a hand down the white fabric, "no rips, nothing on it?".

"You look pristine, breathtaking, hot", Izzy reeled off, "I know my brother, and you'll be lucky if he doesn't faint".

"Chase said he hasn't stopped pacing, Xav I mean", my head snapped towards her and Izzy sent her a look, "I'll shut up, I need to go check on Sienna and Silas". She rushed out of the room as quickly as she came and I turned to Izzy, worry filling me.

"Do you think he's okay? Is he having second thoughts? Is he-,", she shushed me and I closed my mouth, noting her amused expression.

"That man is not having second thoughts and you know it", she insisted, "he probably just can't stay in one place, you know what he's like".

Yeah, I did.

"You're right", I exhaled slowly, "okay, okay, I can do this". I faced the mirror again and sighed; although we were the last ones to get married, this felt like the first wedding that had me feeling this excited.

Xav and I agreed to get married once the twins were a little older, and when our careers weren't in the height of taking off. With my soon to be husband getting closer to his retirement from the NHL and his focus gradually shifting to just his family and the mental health charity he'd founded, and me feeling like I'd accomplished everything I wanted to with my career as a neurosurgeon, we'd finally agreed to tie the knot.

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