Chase, Xav & Xan <3

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A/N - so random but yeah❤️



"So we've been left to fucking babysit him?", Xan grumbled as he dropped onto the sofa beside me, arms folded and the permanent frown on his face all the more prominent, "it's a cold, not a fucking amputation".

"Chase never gets sick", I reminded him and he hummed, knowing it was true, "make him some soup, you're acting like you can't cook".

"I can cook when I can be bothered", he muttered, "and apparently when our brother's sick". I grinned triumphantly as he sprung from the sofa and moved into the kitchen, I just focused on the bowl of popcorn in my lap and the movie on the tv; I knew I'd be no use in the kitchen and he'd probably kill me before I had the chance to touch anything anyway.

"What soup are you making?", I asked him without glancing over my shoulder, an impatient huff coming from behind me, "someone's grouchy".

"I'm always grouchy", that wasn't a lie, "and tomato". My stomach growled at the thought of it alone, and I hoped he made enough for the three of us.

Zane had gone somewhere with Scott, Caleb was with Theo, and Izzy was with Amelia, leaving just Xan and I to take care of Chase who had brought a cold back with him from college.

"Should I go check on Chase?", I asked after a few minutes, he hummed in reply.

"Ask him if he's hungry", Xan called after me and I turned around to salute him, disappearing upstairs afterwards and tapping my knuckles all over our nineteen year old brother's door before inviting myself in. Chase was sitting up in bed, blanket covering him and a book in his hands; he was surrounded by tissues, vapour rub, and I took note of his hearing aids on the bedside table.

"You okay?", I asked verbally, moving my hands at the same time, "look like shit". He flipped me off and I grinned, lowering myself onto his bed and sighing, resting my head on his covered legs.

"Feel like shit", he replied after a moment, then proceeded to sign something I didn't catch. He must've noticed my confusion because he repeated the movement, and then rolled his eyes when he realised I wasn't getting it.

It fucking annoyed me that I wasn't at the same level as the rest of my brothers when it came to sign language, and as much as I tried to learn, my brain did me no fucking favours whatsoever. And as much as I hated watching Chase get frustrated when I couldn't pick up on something straight away, he was nothing but patient- even now.

My phone vibrated in my pocket after a few seconds of him typing, and I quickly realised he was asking if we were home alone.

"Oh, yeah we are, with Xan", I confirmed and he nodded, "you hungry?". He nodded again, pulling the blanket from his body and gesturing for me to get up; I moved into a standing position as he put his hearing aids in and turned to me, looking like he'd seen better days to be honest with you.

"Xan's cooking?", he asked verbally as we headed downstairs, I hummed in confirmation and inhaled as I hit the bottom step- fuck yeah.

"How's my baby brother getting on?", I made a beeline for him and tried to ruffle his hair, he caught my wrist and twisted it, "ow!".

"Don't even think about it", he released me and turned to Chase who was now sitting on the counter, "you feeling any better?".

"Worse", he muttered, running his fingers through his blonde hair, "you're making soup for me?".

"Are you crying?", I asked our brother incredulously, there was no way he was welling up over fucking tomato soup.

"Fuck off", he snapped, Xan's and my eyes widening, "I'm sick, and I wanted soup, and he's making soup".

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