Zane's 29th <3

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A/N - cutting it so fine BUT if you wanted to know what Zane is doing on his birthday which is still very much today...🥳



I was gonna die at freshly twenty-nine.

It was official: I, Zane Santiago Delgado, was about to be wiped out by fucking food poisoning.

On my birthday, of all days.

"This is my fault", Phoenix rubbed my back in soothing circles while I kneeled over the toilet, my head half in the bowl as I heaved again, "are you okay?".

"Am I okay?", I scowled even though he couldn't see my face, hearing him suck in a sharp breath.

"Poor choice of words", he rubbed my back a little faster, pressing a kiss into my hair, "happy birthday Z".

"Thank you", I managed to whisper as another wave of nausea hit me and I dry heaved, "fuck".

Two days ago, as a pre-birthday treat apparently, Phoenix had treated me to dinner in the comfort of our own home, ordering in food from all kinds of cuisines and cultures. As romantic and delicious as our evening had been, it only meant we didn't have a clue which meal had caused me to be like this, and him to be fine.

"What can I do?", he asked hesitantly, "you wanna lie down or?-,".

"I want you to stay like that", I told him, raking a hand through my hair, "I need painkillers".

"I'll call Izzy", he squeezed my shoulder, his presence moving away from me momentarily as the ring of a phone filled the air, I didn't think he meant he was calling her like that. I drowned out their brief conversation, clutching my stomach with one hand and clinging onto the toilet with the other, I don't think I'd physically felt this shit in my life.

And I'd physically been through a lot.

"We have to cancel everyone coming", I told Phoenix, lifting my head and looking over at him, leaned against the sink and watching me worriedly, "I don't want anyone getting sick, especially Kadence or Sienna". I would've added him to that list, but he'd already sworn not to leave me all day no matter how much I protested, and my boyfriend was just as stubborn as I was.

"We can have a chilled day, see everyone when you're better?", he suggested and I hummed, "I can-,". The bathroom door knocked and he opened it, a groan filling my ears afterwards.

"It smells in here", my sister's voice made me frown, peering over my shoulder to look at her, "you look really bad Zane".

"I'm loving the birthday wishes mi amor, truly", I rubbed my face and sighed, "did you bring painkillers?".

"My birthday present to you", she extended her hand and I took them gratefully, "happy birthday to my favourite brother".

Even I couldn't hide my smile then.

"Thank you Isabella", I moved into a sitting position now that the nausea had vanished for a minute, "is everyone else awake?".

"Cay's just got back from the gym, Theo's here too", what a shock, "Xav's in the shower, Xan's snoring- I think Jax stayed here last night".

What another shock.

"And I'm trapped up here", I muttered, taking one of the pills dry.

"Ooh, wait- I have something for you", Isabella rushed out of the room and Phoenix looked at me amusedly, I just shrugged and waited for her to return, "okay, this isn't in any way your present, but I thought it'd look cute".

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