Izzy Having Estella...

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A/N - how I love writing these 🥹🥹



My unborn daughter was a stubborn little thing.

She was due five days ago, and yet I was only in labour now. And once again, just like with the day Luca was born last year, my brothers didn't have a clue.

"Easy tiger, it's not going anywhere", Luca was on Ezra's lap beside me, eagerly trying to eat another one of his veggie snacks, the whole thing being grasped in his tiny hand as he shoved it into his mouth, "how you feeling darlin'? Ready to spring the news on them?".

I looked around Chase's living room and drew my bottom lip into my mouth in deep thought; we'd all been invited over for dinner at his house and all of my brothers were here, they were gonna think I was dying again.

"I'm sure another contraction will take care of that", I chuckled, rubbing my stomach, "she needs to hurry up".

"She's waiting to make a grand entrance", Ezra grinned, placing a hand on top of mine, "she doesn't know how desperate we all are to meet her". Before I could reply Xan strolled into the room, not attached to Jax by the hip for a rare moment.

"What are you lovebirds doing hiding out in here?", he narrowed his eyes, scooping up Luca from Ezra's lap, "you don't stop eating do you?".

"It's those snacks", I snorted, "they're like crack to him".

"Tell your sister to hurry up and come out, hm?", my brother whispered to my son, propping him on his hip while he munched away happily- I swear to you, he was the carbon copy of Ezra. Their brown hair, those piercing green eyes, it was like staring at a one-year-old version of him.

I couldn't admire my boyfriend or my son for long though, because I was hit with a wave of pain that couldn't only be described as torture, my head leaning back against the sofa as I clenched a fist, the other hand attempting to rub my stomach soothingly. 

"You're good darlin'", Ezra half lifted me against him, trying to massage my lower back as I tipped my head back into his shoulder and groaned, "breathe".

"I am breathing", I snapped before wincing, "sorry".

"All good", he chuckled.

"Why aren't you panicking? What's happening to her? Zane! Call an ambulance!", now why would he do that?

Or call Zane of all people.

Before I could do so much as blink, all of my brothers were in the room, Zane checking me from head to toe frantically while Cay placed a hand on my stomach.

Give me strength.

"I'm fine, fuck", I gritted out, watching Xan shield Luca from the sight, "it's just a contraction".

"You're in labour?", Chase's eyes widened to the size of saucers, "when were you gonna tell us that?".

"Again?", Xav gasped, "you did this with Luke".

"Because it's the early stage", I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut, "my waters haven't broken yet".

"Don't do it on my shoes this time", Xan was smacked in the head by Jax and groaned, "fuck, ow".

"Do you need anything Izzy?", he asked, taking a much more considerate approach than my brother, "some water maybe?".

"Water would be great Jax", I managed to smile at him, he left the room with Xan (and Luca) hot on his tail; it was like they had a magnetic pull between them. Not that Ezra and I weren't the same.

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