2nd Gen Party pt.2...

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A/N - very short one but yes Silas is alive 😍



I was never fucking drinking again.

And although I didn't remember anything that had happened last night, waking up in a hospital bed this morning was all I needed to know.

I felt like shit, the disapproving yet worried looks from my parents and the relieved one from my sister told me that I'd given them nothing but a scare, and I knew I'd probably have to make it up to them.

"You sure you're feeling okay?", Dad squeezed my shoulder, opening the door to his car and letting me climb in slowly. I had a feeling both him and Mum were gonna be watching me like hawks for the next few days.

"They're the ones who discharged me Dad, I must be fine", I yawned, tipping my head back as I held my stomach, "I just wanna sleep".

"Well your bed's waiting for you Tiny", Mum went so far as to reach in and buckle my seatbelt, I was being babied at this point, but I loved the attention to be honest, "Si's even rushed home to make you pancakes". I knew I had to make it up to my sister the most, it must've been scary having to take my unconscious ass to the hospital in the middle of the night.

"Do I even wanna know the details of last night?", I asked them once Dad had started driving, taking a few sips from the bottle of water in my hands, "I just drank too much right, nothing else happened?". They stayed quiet for a moment and I stilled, that wasn't a good sign.

"Um...we met one of your friends last night honey", Mum turned to me with a small smile, I didn't know what was so bad about that.

"Okay...you're gonna have to specify Ma", I waved a hand, vaguely recalling inviting a good few of them last night, "who was it?".

"His name was Kai", my grip on the water bottle tightened and I looked at her, then at Dad's reflection in the overhead mirror, "he came to the hospital with your cousins, Sienna said he helped you a lot at Zane's last night".

Fuck my fucking life.

"And you threw up in his lap", Dad chimed in, causing me to sit upright instantly while Mum slapped him, "we weren't telling him that part?".

"No we weren't", she snapped, turning to me again, "Tiny-".

"What did he say? I fucking threw up on him? Was he mad? Was he-", I thought going into a new year would be a nice fresh start, but I'd fucked it all up on day one- only I could throw up on the guy I was interested in.

"Chill out", Dad chuckled as he adjusted his glasses, "he seemed like a good kid, was mainly worried about you".

"Really worried about you, actually", Mum added, guilt hitting me right in the chest, "is he...more than a friend, by any chance?". I wasn't the type to keep things from my parents, and I'd always been pretty open with them about my love life, and they were the two people I always went to for advice.

I'd come out to the pair of them as pansexual when I was fifteen, and they'd been nothing but supportive ever since; they even went so far as to cover our whole kitchen in pink, yellow and blue decorations the next day, and force Uncle Scott to make me a cake.

I still had dreams about that cake two years later.

"It's complicated", I shrugged and she nodded, "we're not together, but we're not just friends- and I've probably just ruined any chances of getting closer to him".

"I doubt that", Dad said, a more serious tone in his voice this time, "he sat at your bedside until four in the morning".

"He did?", heat crawled up my neck and onto my cheeks, maybe I hadn't fucked this up completely after all, "oh".

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