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A/N - Theo is a licensed piercer all of a sudden because I say so 💪🏾 he's a man of many talents

Me 🤝🏾 fighting the urge to abandon all requests for a min and write a random scene



The sun was fucking boiling.

But the tanning I was doing in the back garden was amazing, so who was I to complain? I wouldn't have had weather like this in London, that's for sure.

I was laying in the middle of the grass on a towel in a bikini, a book beside me with a vodka and sprite - I was living my best life.

From what I knew, it was just me and Caleb here; he was inside 'dying'- I'm pretty sure it was just hay fever or something, apart from him all of my remaining brothers had dispersed. Zane and Nix had gone out to lunch, because apparently they went on dates religiously now; Xav had stayed at Addy's last night and Xander was basically moved out now, settling into his place with Jax.

I jumped up when Ash practically bolted at me, nearly knocking me back down onto my towel; I grinned as he licked my face, barely giving me a second to notice Xav coming over to me. He was shirtless, only a pair of shorts on as he approached me barefoot, a devious expression on his face- here we go...

"Enjoying the sun, little sister?", he grinned, dropping onto the grass beside me and chuckling when Ash barked at him, "so I have an idea".

"Dangerous", I raised my eyebrows, sipping my drink before handing it to him; he gulped like half of it before wincing, yeah it was a little strong.

"Are you trying to get drunk at midday?", he asked with a cough, "get up, get changed, we're going out".

"Where? With who?", I grabbed my book and tucked it under my arm, standing and grabbing my towel, "I need details".

"I've declared today a day of self care", he announced, rising to his feet as Ash barked again, "you, me, Xan and Jax- spa day? Manicures? Dinner later?".

God I loved Xav.

"One hundred percent", I beamed, "if, I can add one more thing to the list".

"Anything", he nodded eagerly, not knowing what he was getting himself in for.

"I want a new piercing", I told him and his eyes widened, "you guys should get one too".

"I will, gladly, not sure about the happy couple", he rolled his eyes, "we can stop at Theo's, he should be working today".

"Theo does piercings?", this was the first I was hearing.

"I think so, we'll ask Cub", he cocked his head and we went inside, "Caleb Francesco!".

He was asking to be attacked at this point; Caleb was already ill and moody, he was poking the bear with a stick. It took a good two minutes for Caleb to emerge and enter the kitchen, he looked like complete shit.

"Do you not care that I'm dying?", he grumbled, dropping onto the sofa and sniffing, "fuck do you want?".

"Does Theo do piercings?", Xav asked and our brother grunted, "wow, what a detailed answer".

"He does some, nothing crazy", he muttered, "so you can't get your dick pierced or shit like that". I shivered at the thought, finishing the rest of my drink while Xav scrunched up his face.

"Why would I want to pierce my dick?", he asked incredulously, raking a hand through his jet black hair.

"Makes the girls go crazy", Caleb shrugged and my eyes widened- I didn't even wanna know.

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