Caleb & Gianna

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A/N - been a while...😛



I'd never truly seen myself becoming a father until I met Kyra.

She was 8 months pregnant, abandoned by the father of her unborn child, and kicked out of her house by her family.

I was living my best life, and by that I mean I was doing fucking nothing with it; spending time with Theo on a daily basis was all I did.

Which is ironic, because that's exactly what I was doing when I first laid eyes upon her. She'd been accompanying her best friend Nyah to get a tattoo done by Theo, and I was just showing up because I was bored. I didn't know he was working, or that there'd be someone in his office that looked like that. From the braids to the fucking eye contact to her smile; I walked out of that place a changed man, I swear to you.

And for once in my shitshow of a life, the universe seemed to have been on my side; Kyra and I were constantly bumping into each other after that day- until I finally pulled my shit together and asked her out. She claimed I didn't want to be with someone who was due to become a mother in a matter of weeks, and I told her to shut up.

We'd been infatuated with each other since.

And being asked to be with her while she gave birth? It was the biggest privilege I'd ever been given- a fucking honour; I swore to her on that day, when I held Gianna in my arms for the first time, that I would step up to be both the man and father that they not only needed, but they deserved. I think I'd been doing an okay job since.

"Dad!", I jumped, choking on my milkshake and slamming it down on the counter in an instant, "Dad!". I'd never heard Gigi scream my name like that before, and I'd be lying if I said it hadn't sent chills down my spine.

Kyra was out with Nyah, the pair of them doing god knows what, but G and I had insisted we'd be on our best behaviour- we'd settled on going to kick a football in the park with Theo and his son Aaron. Well, that was until I saw my daughter in tears on her bedroom floor, clutching her ankle with a pained expression on her face.

"Shit, what's happened G?", I crouched, trying to pry her hands away as she whimpered, "lo siento, it's okay".

"You're gonna laugh", she let out a teary chuckle and I tried to smile, although with her turning-purple ankle it was hard to do anything of the sort, "I was jumping off my bed and- ow, I landed funny".

"Do I wanna know why?", I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged, "it doesn't look good, if you want the honest answer".

"I know, it's turning purple", she winced, slowly moving her hands away and pushing her unruly tight curls out of her face, "I'm not meant to turn purple".

"No, no you're not", I chuckled slightly, "trip to the hospital sweetheart". I stood, grabbing a hairband from her bedside table and tying back her hair as she groaned.

"Again?", she tipped her head back with a sigh, "I only got the cast off my arm last week!". My daughter was...very adrenaline seeking; she was only 12 but I swear she'd broken more bones than I could count- and half the time that was down to soccer. Girl was obsessed.

"I know, but this looks broken", I scrunched up my face and scooped her up bridal style, "how aren't you screaming?".

"I was", she wrapped her small arms around my neck and clung on, "maybe it's that adrena-thingy that Cole talks about".

"Why is Cole talking to you about adrenaline rushes?", I dared to ask, knowing Xander's son was nothing but a negative influence on everyone else.

"He said he gets it when he's about to steal", see what I fucking mean?

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