Xav & Caleb

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A/N - I forgot how much I love writing in Xav's POV omg-

TW - partially upsetting scenes through the chapter ❤️



It was kinda an unspoken assumption in our house that we rolled in pairs.

Zane and Scott, Chase and Cub, Xan and I, and Izzy with any of us.

Not saying I didn't like my other siblings' company or that it was weird, but it was just kinda how we worked.

Until my siblings started dropping like flies anyway.

Zane was infatuated with Nix, barely even sparing us a glance when his boyfriend was in the room, Scott had moved out and had a whole child, Chase too. The whole prospect of that terrified me- being a father, being responsible for tiny humans that may or may not look like you; I couldn't even look after myself.

I shit you not, I shook salt all over my pancakes today instead of sugar- and that had set my mood for the whole day.

Well that and nobody being available.

I was fucking bored, and it was making me restless: I'd played fetch with Ash in the garden twice, tidied a quarter of my bedroom and then got distracted by an old photo of Xan and I, then went to go and find him only to realise he was out with Jax and- I'm rambling again.

Anyway, I was home alone, now Ash was asleep, and I was trying to focus on Tangled that was playing on the tv opposite my bed, but even I wasn't in the mood for it today. Shocker, I know.

"Get your ass up, we're going out", I flinched, slapping a hand to my chest as I shot up and panted- where the fuck had he come from.

"Jesus Cub!", I breathed out, "where did you come from?".

"Well our parents loved each other very much-,", oh fuck off.

"You're hilarious", I deadpanned, "I thought I was home alone".

"I just got in", he said as if it was obvious, "but we're going back out, bring your headphones". My headphones?

"Why do I need my headphones?", I frowned, rising to my feet and grabbing a red hoodie from the heap of clothes I'd kicked from one side of the room to the other earlier, "you're taking me somewhere loud? Is it a hockey game?".

"No I'm taking you somewhere silent", he said sarcastically, "hurry up, don't ask questions".

"Who shit in your hands and made you clap?", I grumbled, grabbing the damn headphones and following him out of the room, "really making me wanna spend time with you".

"Xav?", he stopped halfway down the stairs and I hummed, nearly crashing into his back.

"Yeah?", I waved a hand, wondering why the dick had come to a halt.

"Shut the fuck up", he resumed as if nothing ever happened and I rolled my eyes, jogging to catch up with him and slap him on the head. I slid my shoes on while he did the same, grabbing the keys to his Range afterwards and cocking his head.

"You're not telling me where we're going? Seriously?", it was like he was asking for me to not shut up in the car, "can you at least give me a hint?". I put my headphones around my neck and followed him to the car, climbing into the passenger seat and doing my belt; the fuck was that smell?

"You want a hint? It's loud", I groaned, putting the window down and muttering a silent prayer, this is why I barely hung out with anyone under the roof other than Xan and Izzy- the others were insufferable.

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