Zane & Nix </3

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A/N - VERY short, not so sweet 😍😍

Actually it's kinda sweet I take it back...



There was something wrong with Zane.

Not saying that in a malicious way, but he was worrying me, had been since we'd woken up two hours ago.

I'd heard less than ten words leave his mouth, and he hadn't even made his black coffee when we first got up- that was how I knew it wasn't good.

He'd been absolutely fine yesterday, so I wasn't sure what the sudden change in mood was about...and now I was trying to recall everything that had happened yesterday in case I'd done something without even realising. He was currently in the shower upstairs so I'd decided to make him breakfastc which only consisted of a black coffee and some toast, he wasn't big on breakfast on a good day.

The wait for him to return downstairs was fucking agonising, the not knowing whether I was the one who upset him; usually he was stuck to me like a he'd barely looked at me.

I'd contemplated calling one of Zane's siblings- preferably Scott, he knew his brother inside out- for advice or something, I couldn't take this much longer. Silence filled the kitchen as I tied and untied my hair repeatedly, I hated feeling useless while-

"Nix!", I frowned, knowing my husband rarely called me by my nickname, "Nix!". I was up in an instant, rushing up the stairs and into our bedroom within seconds, the sight in front of me sending worry through me straight away.

Zane was on our bed, a towel wrapped around his waist and his black hair still soaked, his chest rising and falling way too quickly as he pressed a flat palm on it. In the nearly five years I'd known him, I'd seen Zane have countless panic attacks, yet that didn't make them any easier to witness.

If anything, each one was harder to watch than the last.

"I'm here, I got you", I closed the bedroom door and sat beside him, peeling his hand from his chest and placing it against my own, "right here".

"I'm sorry", he panted, squeezing his eyes shut and allowing a tear to escape out of one, "I'm so sorry". There was nothing I hated more than when he apologised for this, as if it was something he could control, or something that I hated about him.

Sure I hated that he went through this, wished I could take away his pain and throw it all on my shoulders constantly, but I loved each and every part of him- panic attacks and all.

"Nothing to apologise for Z, you know that", I ran my fingers through his wet hair and gave him a weak smile, "it'll pass, I'm so proud of you".

"There's- there's nothing to be proud of", he shook his head, a sharp wince coming from him, "I don't even know how you love me". If I was frowning before, then my face was gonna get stuck like it was now- what was he talking about?

"What do you mean?", I asked softly, covering the hand he had on my chest with my own, "how could I not love you?".

Another tear rolled down his cheek and I wiped it with the pad of my thumb, the sight alone nearly breaking my heart.

"I'm being stupid, I-,", he shook his head dismissively, pressing his hand against my chest further, seeking more comfort.

"If it's got you upset, then it's not stupid", I told him, leaning forwards and kissing his forehead, "nothing you're feeling is stupid, we'll talk when you're calm yeah?". He closed his eyes and gave me a small nod, resting his head on my shoulder with a defeated sigh.

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