Izzy & Scott <3

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A/N - I am alive 🫡🫡




"I still can't believe how big your house is", I chuckled at the same time Ezra did, watching Eli do a slow three-sixty as he looked around, "uh, are you sure it's okay me being here?". Upon deciding he was pissed at his parents for an undisclosed reason, my boyfriend's sixteen year old brother had accompanied us to my house in an attempt to 'cool down'.

Ezra told me it was bullshit and he was already calm, and Eli just wanted to follow us around like a lost puppy for an hour or two.

"Course it's okay", I told him, "not like you haven't been here before". The three of us entered the kitchen where Zane and Nix were, the two of them practically intertwined with each other on the sofa.

"Mi amor?", he didn't even have to turn around to know it was me, "how was your drive?".

"Exhilarating", I smirked, "picked up a stray on the side of the road".

"I hate you", Eli shoved my head and I grinned, leaning into Ezra's side. Zane and Nix sat up, the former standing first and entering the kitchen with an amused expression on his face.

"You remember Ezra's brother Eli?", I watched the pair of them shake hands like they were damn business partners, Eli stepping back afterwards and shaking his brown curls out of his face, "and this is Zane's boyfriend, Phoenix".

"Nice to meet you", Eli smiled, "uh, sorry to intrude, but our parents were being pieces of shit-,".

"E", Ezra shook his head and he shut up, loosening up slightly when Zane chuckled.

"No need to apologise, we see your brother's face on a daily basis anyway", he wasn't wrong, "you remind me of our brother".

"Xander? I've heard that a few times", he snorted, "he even said so himself". My brother loved Eli and had taken the little delinquent under his wing the second he met him for the first time.

"Have you heard from Prescott, Isabella?", I stiffened at the mention of our brother and shook my head, fiddling with Ezra's fingers as he kissed the top of my head.

It had been three days since what had happened with Kade at the hospital, and I was yet to hear from my brother at all, Xan too. I'd had to ask for updates on my nephew from Makayla instead, and had learned that he was absolutely fine, his accident a thing of the past. Well, for everyone excluding Scott.

"He'll come around Izzy", Nix smiled weakly and I nodded, hoping it was sooner rather than later.

"I think holding grudges is part of a brother's DNA", Eli chimed in, "Ezra does it all the time when we fight".

"Because you piss me off", my boyfriend grumbled, wrapping an arm around my waist, "is that in the DNA too?".

"Course", he flashed us a grin before dropping onto the sofa.

He was something else.


No more than half an hour passed before the front door opened.

The fact that the person who had just entered the house had their own key put me on edge, that meant it was one of my brothers, that meant it could be Scott.

"Relax", Ezra whispered to me, pressing a kiss to my temple and focusing back on the tv.

I was half in his lap, half on the sofa, barely paying any attention to the firefighter drama Nix had put on the screen. Eli gagged at his brother's brief display of affection to which Ezra rolled his eyes, making a point by cupping my chin in his hand, tipping my head up and kissing me again. I chuckled, snuggling up against him but frowning when I saw Zane's eyes flicker from Nix's face to a presence in the doorway.

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