Karaoke Night <3

800 28 58

A/N - short, sweet, and very interesting to write...❤️❤️

Choosing the songs was the hardest part of this LMAO

*this takes place a little before Delgado starts*



"I have a marvellous idea", Xav flopped onto my bed and I closed my book, knowing things never went well when he declared such a thing.

I'd only been living here for a year and I knew that easily.

"That doesn't sound good", I muttered, pushing my hair out of my face, "dare I ask what it is?". He rolled onto his stomach and sighed, a slow grin spreading across his face seconds later - ah jeez.

"I may or may not have suggested a karaoke night", he said sheepishly and my eyes widened, not what I expected him to say, "wanna come find a karaoke machine?".

"What the fuck did the others say?", I asked, swinging my legs over the edge of my bed and standing, disappearing into my wardrobe for a moment, "what did Zane say?".

"He said he'd do it if we're drunk", my jaw dropped and I stepped back into my room, staring at him incredulously, "I know, I was just as shocked- then he said it's so we can all wake up with no recollection in the morning".

"Smart", I hummed, tying a hoodie around my waist, "so we're going shopping for a karaoke machine?".

"Absolutely", he grinned, standing up and cracking his knuckles, "Cub's in charge of buying the alcohol".

"He's definitely gonna go overboard", I murmured, slipping on my sliders and opening my bedroom door, "can any of you even sing?".

"I say the more alcohol, the better", he shrugged, "and I'm offended, of course I can". All I'd heard this past year was his wailing in the car, so I wasn't expecting much from him tonight if I was being completely honest.

"Who's the best singer out of all of you?", I asked, shocked that I'd never thought of this before.

"You're not gonna believe me", he grinned, leading the way down the stairs, well now I was beyond interested, "it's Xan".

No way.

"You're lying", I laughed, standing by the front door and waiting for him to put his shoes on, "there's no way Xav". He just rolled his eyes and grabbed his Jeep keys, opening the door.

"Wait and see Izzy, wait and see", I'd hold him to that...


We found a fucking karaoke machine.

After quite a lot of damn searching, driving around and whatnot, we actually found one; if it was me paying, there's no fucking way I would've paid nearly two-hundred-dollars for one...but Xav didn't hesitate to pull out his wallet.

Look at him providing our entertainment for the night.

We stopped for ice cream on the way home, it was only the end of August and still hot outside; perfect weather for a cone full of vanilla, or pistachio in Xav's case.

And then the evening hit.

And the drinking began.

And I knew tonight was gonna be one of the most entertaining experiences of my life.


"Try this, it tastes like juice", Caleb shoved a plastic cup into my hands and I sipped it instantly, trusting his judgement- poor fucking choice on my behalf.

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