National Popcorn Day

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A/N - okay I've been informed national popcorn day was yesterday so this had to be written😭

I've never written someone who radiates sunshine more than Xav I love him sm🥹🥹



I loved my boyfriend more than words could describe at this point.

He was due to become the father of our two children in five months, and I could say with confidence that he was my favourite person ever.

My boyfriend loved popcorn more than words could describe, and from what he'd told me he always had, and probably always would.

Which is why today, on National Popcorn Day (which I'd only just found out existed), he'd decided to throw a popcorn themed party.

When I'd opened my eyes at eleven o'clock this morning the familiar smell had hit my nose instantly, a smile stretching across my face as I climbed out of bed and freshened up in our bathroom. I nearly screamed when I stepped out of the en-suite, not believing my fucking eyes as I stared at Xav.

"I love you so fucking much", I shook my head with a chuckle, looking at his bag of popcorn costume, complete with a popcorn hat, "when on earth did you buy this?".

"A week ago", his cheeks flushed as he looked at me sheepishly, "just wait until you see Ash". I paused midway through shrugging my arm through the sleeve of my robe and looked at him, did I even wanna know what that meant?

"What have you done to the dog?", I dared ask, watching a sly grin spread across his face, "Xav".

"Ash!", he called out, whistling for added effect. It took no more than five seconds for the husky to run into the room, barking as he ran around Xav's ankles wearing a red and white shirt that said 'popcorn' on it.

"That is the cutest thing I've ever seen", I laughed, barely managing to crouch down and smooth his fur, "I take it you're excited for today?".

"I've been awake since six", he told me and my jaw dropped, "had some popcorn for breakfast, got dressed, and here we are".

"You are one of a kind", I reached up and cupped his chin in one hand, kissing him, "I love you".

"I love you more", he beamed, placing a hand on my ever-growing stomach, "and how are you three doing?". I still couldn't believe we were having twins, and while I was terrified about being a mum-of-two at the age of twenty, but the excitement of it all overruled everything else.

"We're all good", I grinned, placing a hand on top of his, "a little nauseous-".

"You want some of that peppermint tea? You said it helped right?", he asked, wincing a second later, "I interrupted you, I'm sorry". I hated when he apologised for that.

"Nothing to apologise for", I shook my head, "a mug of that would be great". He nodded with a smile, then laughed at Ash who barked and jumped up onto his legs- I couldn't take either of them seriously in their costumes.

"Popcorn for breakfast?", he wiggled his eyebrows and I chuckled, not even wanting to see what he'd done downstairs.



Whoever invented today was a complete and utter fucking genius.

No hate to Xan, but I think I liked today more than our birthday.

Sorry Xan.

I'd decorated the kitchen in red and white banners, positioned my popcorn cart from Addy in the corner, and stuffed my face with a good few bags already- I was living my best life right now.

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