Luca's 18th

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A/N - took a while but here we are 😛

2nd gen 🤝🏾 the parents when they were younger



"Are you crying again?", I wiped my cheeks and turned to face my husband who was standing in the living room doorway, "damn darlin', nobody's dead". I scowled at him and he laughed, entering the room fully and placing his hands on either sides of my waist.

"Our son is eighteen Ezra", I told him and he nodded once.

"I'm aware", he smirked and I rolled my eyes, "feels like yesterday he was runnin' around here with diapers on and trying to eat crayons". I laughed, standing on my tiptoes and kissing him.

"And that's my cue to throw up everywhere", Estella's voice made us pull apart, I rolled my eyes and looked over at her; she was in a long black dress with a slit in the leg and her brown hair curled, her mature appearance only reminding me that she was 17 in two months time.

I felt old.

"You look beautiful estrella", Ezra beamed at our daughter, using the Spanish translation for the meaning of her name. Star.

"Thanks Dad", she smiled, tucking her black purse under an arm, "are we leaving or what?".

"Where's your brother?", I asked and she shrugged.

"I'm not his keeper", she waved a hand I rolled my eyes, just as the front door opened, "look what the cat dragged in". Multiple deep voices filled the air and I sighed, Luca had gone to pick up his two best friends yet as always, he was cutting it fine.

"Nice dress Stel", he complimented her, stepping into the room in his charcoal gray suit, not a tie in sight, "Mama, Pops".

"It's like you drive me insane on purpose", I tutted, rushing forwards and fixing his collar on my tiptoes, "where's your tie?".

"Here", he pulled the scrunched up fabric out of his pocket and I rolled my eyes, quickly tying it for him, "have you been crying?".

"No", I denied and he hummed, looking at Ezra over my shoulder and smirking, little snitch.

"My second mother", Finn entered the room first with a grin on his face; his almost white hair nearly matching his pristine white suit, "my second father".

"You scrubbed up nice- both of you", Ezra squeezed his shoulder after I hugged him, proceeding to do the same with Wes when he entered the room in a burgundy suit, his afro out today.

"Had to make an effort for Lukey", he grinned, "not everyday we eat at a fancy-ass restaurant".

"Yeah you do", Wes deadpanned and Luca snorted, tugging on Stella's hair in the doorway.

"You're a piece of shit", and there was our cue.

"To the car, come on", Ezra took the words right out of my mouth and we began to pile out of the house; I just hoped tonight went perfectly.



"Couldn't he just have his birthday meal at KFC?", I tugged at my collar and groaned, I'd already ditched my tie and was close to throwing on a tracksuit if we didn't get out of here soon.

"You flew out to Paris for your 18th", Dad stood beside me in the mirror next to the front door and adjusted his bow tie.

"Your point?", I looked at him, and despite me not sharing blood with him, it felt like I was somewhat staring at a carbon copy of myself, give or take the three inches I had on him.

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