Delgado Christmas pt.2...

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A/N - finally got part 2 out😛😛



While I loved all ten of my nephews and nieces equally, I had to admit I had a bit of a soft spot for Cole.

He reminded me so much of his father when he was a teenager, that urge to protect him, learn to understand him and what went on in his head resurfacing as soon as he'd hit his teen years.

While the Christmas spirit was underway downstairs with nearly everyone here, upstairs was just as silent as it usually was; but I had a gut feeling my nephew was up here regardless. And my gut was telling me that Cole was in his father's old bedroom.

Ever since we'd first started babysitting Kadence, it had become some sort of tradition to have the children stay in their parents' old room when they came over, so I had no doubt that my nephew would have retreated to Alexander's room.

Tapping my knuckles on the closed door twice and entering the room confirmed my suspicions, my seventeen year old nephew was sitting on the window ledge and staring out into the garden. The window was slightly ajar, just a crack, and the glass was fogging due to Cole's close proximity.

"Not feeling the Christmas spirit?", I closed the door behind me and perched on the bed on the other side of the room.

"Is Quinn okay down there?", he ignored my question yet turned to me regardless, raking a hand through his black hair.

"He's fine, I believe he's about to go and kick a football with Gianna in the garden", his lips lifted up into a small smile as he swung his leg around slightly, getting down and joining me on the bed. Silence filled the air momentarily, something I'd never minded, sometimes just being in the presence of somebody was enough.

"I trashed the kitchen this morning", he revealed after a few minutes, I looked at his side profile and hummed, "I was trying to make breakfast for them, do something nice I guess- I burned it all".

"Mistakes happen", I told him, cracking my knuckles, "you got angry?".

"Yeah", he nodded, "they just left me to get it out of my system, which I appreciated".

"Can I ask what correlation this has to you hiding away up here?", his jaw clenched as he moved positions, his head hitting the pillow as he stared up at the ceiling with a huff.

"I'm giving them some space- Dad and Pops I mean", he muttered, "they're probably sick of me already today". I knew for a fact Jax and Alexander didn't have the ability to get sick of either of their children, so while I understood where Cole was coming from, he was completely and utterly wrong.

"They can't get sick of you", I shook my head, "never have and never will".

"Are you glad you and Uncle Nix don't have kids?", he asked suddenly, causing my eyebrows to pull into a frown, "like, you're going on holiday soon- a kid free holiday, you don't have someone trashing your kitchen or driving you up the walls".

"I've already experienced a child trashing my kitchen- your father, to be exact", I lifted a shoulder, "and I've had five of them drive me up the walls more than I can count". Isabella didn't have the ability to do so.

"Forget it", he ruffled his hair and sat up again, "I just think they might regret adopting-,".

"I'm not going to allow you to finish that sentence", I cut him off with a frown, "I raised your Pops, and have known your Dad since he was nineteen, you and Quinn are the best things to ever happen to them, as well as each other".

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