Delgado Christmas pt.1

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A/N - we're not near Christmas yet but oh well 🫡

This was getting long so I've split it :)



"It's fucking ruined! Get the fuck away from me!", I surrendered, taking a few steps back away from my seventeen year old son who was most definitely not calm right now. But with him being a carbon copy of me as a teenager I knew exactly how to deal with him, and at this point in time that meant giving him some space.

I exited the kitchen, the smash of a glass shattering behind me making me pause for a moment before I headed into the living room where Jax and Quinn were. Our fifteen year old son was watching the doorway worriedly, my husband sitting beside him and appearing a lot more relaxed.

"He's fine, just needs to get it out of his system", I assured them, perching on the edge of the sofa and squeezing Quinn's shoulder briefly, "what a way to start the day huh?".

I'd never felt the Christmas spirit like most people, or gone completely and utterly overboard like Xav or Bella who were probably fucking dressed up right now.

But I had to admit, Christmas had become a little more exciting since Jax and I had adopted Cole and Quinn. Even when they completely trashed the kitchen in a fit of rage because they burned the breakfast they'd tried to make for us.

"What time are we going to Uncle Zane and Uncle Nix's?", Quinn asked, taking off his glasses and wiping them on his plaid pyjama pants, "should I see if Cole's okay?". Not being biased, but he was one of the most selfless kids I knew, always putting everyone before himself.

"We're aiming for twelve?", Jax looked at me to check and I nodded, "your Pops is cooking, remember?". And as much as I loved cooking, feeding the animals that were my siblings, their partners, and their children, was a task and a half.

"And give Cole a minute bud", I told him, he nodded understandingly and leaned back into the sofa, sliding his glasses back on.

Jax stood, approaching me and raking his fingers through my hair, leaning down to kiss my forehead. I rolled my eyes, cupping his chin in my hand and pulling him down to kiss me properly.

I only leaned back slightly when I was breathless, the smile on my husband's face something that I'd never get used to. Jax stood up straight abruptly as Cole hovered in the doorway, a guilty expression on his face as he gazed between us before practically tackling his dad in a hug; Jax wrapped his arms around our son instantaneously, pressing a kiss to the side of his head briefly.

"I'm sorry", Cole apologised, "for burning the breakfast, and shouting, and smashing the glass". He was better than me, Zane would've had to wait hours for an apology when I was younger sometimes.

"All good", Jax shook his head, "you're okay?".

"Yeah", he nodded, "I've fucking ruined-,".

"Nothing", I finished off, rolling my eyes even though his face was still buried in Jax's shoulder, "it's not even midday, doesn't count- and you think I haven't burned anything before?".

"I was just trying to do something for you guys", he pulled apart from their hug and ran his fingers through his distressed black hair, "I can't even do that".

"Do you think nobody else makes mistakes?", I asked him, shoving his head gently, "I'll clean up the kitchen, you to go and get ready yeah?".

Quinn nodded, rising from the sofa and heading out of the room; Cole hovered for a moment more before following behind, I turned to Jax and gave him a quick kiss.

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